Lauderdale County, Alabama
Bailey Springs
Bailey Springs was a popular health resort and mineral springs founded in the 1820s by Jonathan Bailey. It was located about five miles northeast of Florence in section 10 of T2 S R10 W. By 1858 it was owned by A. G. Ellis & Co, and was subsequently owned by several different parties. In the mid 1890's Bailey Springs University, was located at Bailey Springs. This was a women's university.
The picture above appeared in the Florence Times, Sunday Morning, 24 Aug 1976, p. 41.
A sure way to get your picture or name, or both, in the paper was to be a visitor "taking the waters" at Bailey Springs. The Florence Gazette in the 1850s and 60s routinely published lists of guests staying at the Bailey Springs Resort in Lauderdale County, AL. These notices are abstracted exactly as they appeared in the Gazette. No corrections were made in the spelling of names, though editor’s brackets [ ] were used for doubtful spellings. For this reason, be sure to check for alternate name spellings. The word "do" following so many of the names is the abbreviation for "ditto."
From the Florence Gazette, Wednesday, June 1, 1859, p. 3.
At Bailey Springs from May 4th to May 31st, 1859. Ellis & Co., Proprietors.
F Shoemake [sic?], Memphis
Mrs Shoemake [sic?], do
Mrs W B Donaho [sic], do 4 children & 4 ser’vts
Col Sam’l W Evans & serv’t, Oxford Miss.
Mrs. Mary K Evans & serv’ts, Oxford Miss
Master Rob’t Evans, do
Dr M K [H]arrison, Aberdeen Miss.
O F Hames, Carroll Ten.
Wm B Wiggs, Memphis
Jno H Brinkley, do
James S Woodell, do
M P Asher, do
The. Allen Jones, Florence Ala.
J Coffee Simpson, do
Patrick McDonald, Memphis Tenn.
Jas Harrington, do
Jas F Hall, St Louis
Jas Brady & Wife, Memphis
Z J Carthel, Trenton Ten.
Rob’t Manning, Missouri
Geo TG White, NY
Mrs Paul Chandion? and servant, Mobile
E R Shapard [sic?], ---- Tenn
T P Davidson, Memphis
Miss Davidson, do
James O Kerr, Miss
Miss LA Kerr, do
Tip Davis, Florence
Miss Mollie Karsner, do
Miss Fannie Fible, Louisville
Miss Mollie Dies, do
B F Karsner Jr, do
R T Boroughs, Florence
F S Furgeson, Tuskeegee Ala
Wm L Thompson, La
Geo R Anderson & servant, Athens Ala.
W C Prewitt, Madison Arkansas
Miss L Prewitt, do
Mrs W H Hunt, Memphis
J W Chisholm, County
B Nelson, do
L H Cole, Waterford Mis
W J Anderson, Helena ark [sic]
A C Horton and family, Memphis
J S McGehee, Como Mis
M F Gilchrist, do do
P P Gilchrist, Courtland Ala
W A Key, County
Jas S Boddie, do
D P Ludlow, New York
S T Kirby, Georgia
Mrs Kirby & serv’t, Ga.
James Buford, Miss
William Painter, Memphis
Miss Maggie Silver, do
J D Barnard, Huntsville
Mrs Barnard & serv’t, do
A McAlexander, Florence
MJ Gilchrist, do
Mrs E H Bourdmon, NY
Miss C F Bourdmon, do
M L Webb, Mississippi
C W Martin, [Pon]totoc do
Mrs Martin, do
Miss Doke & se’vt, do
Sam’l Adams, Memphis
Jas Martin, cypress fac’y [sic]
R D Martin, do do
H O Pettus, Florence
R C McCarly, do
S F Tate, do
D H Campbell, Courtland [A]la.
Col John L Moore, Memphis
B F Foster jr [sic], Florence
Wm Morris, Memphis
Rob’t Dyas, N. Orleans
Miss M Dyas, do
Wm V Chardavoyne, Courtland Alabama
Mrs Chardavoyne, Courtland Alabama
B S Gibson, Madison ark [sic]
Thos Bufort and servant, Giles Tenn.
Giles H Reynolds and ser’vt, do
Master Reynolds, do do
George W Carroll, Tehula Mississippi.
R H Oglivie, Tenn.
Mrs. Ogilvie, do
W B Donaho [sic], Memphis
Col J Branch’s two servants, Tenn
Thos M Jone’s [sic] 1 ser’vt
E B Hornbeak, Mem.
Mrs. Jas Fletche[r] ser'vt & 2 children, do
Mrs K Henderson, do
Thos Williams, ark [sic]
W A Pettus, waterloo ala [sic]
Dr. D S Beloate, county
Dr J W Stewart, do
Mrs Coffee, do
Miss Kate Coffee, do
W Wainright, miss [sic]
John Bell, Tenn
Miss S Bell & ser’vt, do
R N McVeigh, Phila’d
L Lorance, Florence
Ed Brown, do
S G Barr, do
Wood Yeatman & Co’s servant
W H Key, County
James Boddie, do
Miss A Howell, do
John C Bliss, Florence
Mrs Malony, do
Thomas Taylor, do
Jno R Price, So Florence
L?M Lewis, Florence
Miss Shappard [sic?], Memphis
Dr H F Harris, McLemoresville Tenn
Jas Ackinson, do
John Burns, Memphis
Dr J T Hargraves and serv’t, Florence Ala
Geo Shall [sic], Memphis
John B Fassitt, Phil’a