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Journal of David R. Lindsey 1865 to 1893

Contributed by William Lindsey McDonald, February 2004
Transcription by Robert Torbert


David R. Lindsey was the editor and proprietor of the Florence Journal, a newspaper published in Florence, Lauderdale Co Alabama


Florence Alabama Business’ & News Items 1865 - 1893

As recorded by David R. Lindsey 


T. A. Jones and Robert McFarland – Jones & McFarland Attys at law – Florence – Their office was on July 25, 1866 in white bldg west of Court House


A. J. Matthews – Atty at law – Lexington Ala – set out as of Feb 7, 1866


Alex. McAlexander – Atty at law Jan 17,1866 – Office upstairs in white bldg west of Court House


James Irvine and James B. Irvine – Attys at law – Office west of Court House – The same formerly occupied by Jas Irvine


E. A. O’Neal – Atty at law – Office west of Public Sq – Set 27, 1865


F. G. Norman set out as Commander Knights Templer of Tuscumbia Counnandry? #3 – L. B. Thornton – Recorder


For Tuscumbia Towniannet? See Florence Journal Sept 27, 1866 – Coietanis letters from W.J. Hardee and from Gen’l. N.B. Forrest

Hester and Wood Merchants – Sept 19, 1866

Olives S. Kennedy – Atty at law – Florence – set out as of Sept 19, 1866

J. O. Jones – all? The removal of his stock to the yellow corner – Kirkman & Rice old stand and that the large brick warehouse has been prepared to handle cotton entrusted to his care

Messrs Miller & Crow have resumed business in the corner store lately occupied by Jones Hancock & Co 

Calamitous? Fire – Florence was the scene of a terrible conflagration last Monday night (Sept 25, 1866); the sight appalled the stoutest heart, and the prospects of our flourishing town are retarded on their onward progress – A portion of the business? Part of town now smokes in the ashes of its ruins, and the red glare of the smoldering embers tells the tale of a tan?tabe? destruction – Florence but rose from the debris of a raiding military ruin to plunge into the gulph of a Providential calamity, and what was being repaired by the band of a revigorated industry, now lies in the ruins of an incontrollable destiny. What a pity! How sad the thought. That the band of the incendiary worked the destruction, no honest man doubts, and the tale of the destruction is none the less impressive. Fifty thousand dollars have been swept away, and honest industry mourns the loss. The fire broke out in the stable of Mr. S. C. Stafford, and communicating with his store destroyed the dry goods and grocery store of Messrs Miller & Crow, the private residence of Capt. C.A. Tenge, and the ? store of Messrs Smith and Burtwell, when luckily it was arrested, thanks to the ? energy of the citizens, aided by the devotion of several freedmen, whose names are remembered. Mrs. Seale, Messrs. Burnwall & Lyon, A.J. Rice and Co, Patton, Willins & Co, Hester and Wood, and Mr. Joseph Milner, who occupied contiguous buildings, suffered in the recovery of their goods, whose losses we have estimated in the sum of $50,000. But for the fact of the wind being from the South, the destruction of the entire block of which Mr. Stafford store joined the Northern wing was inevitable; how far the raging element would have traversed is left only to conjecture. As it is, the loss is very heavy for Florence and awakes the sympathies of her many friends. Messrs Stafford, Tenge, Dr. Brock and Mrs. Blair who owned the buildings destroyed, and who are the heaviest losers, had no insurance on their property.


[Above-mentioned article as published in the Florence Journal

Contributed by Lee Freeman


Calamitous Fire.

Florence was the scene of a terrible conflagration on Monday night, the sight appalled the stoutest heart, and the prospects of our flourishing town are retarded in their onward progress. A portion of the business part of town now smokes in the ashes of its ruins, and the red glare of the smouldering embers tells the sad tale of a lamentable destruction. Florence but rose from the debris of a raiding military ruin to plunge into the gulph [sic] of a Providential calamity, and what was being repaired by the hand of a re-invigorated industry, now lies in the ruins of an incontrollable [sic] destiny. What a pity! How sad the thought!---That the hand of the incendiary worked the destruction, no honest man doubts, and the tale of destruction is none the less impressive. Fifty thousand dollars have been swept away, and honest industry mourns the loss. The fire broke out in the stable of Mr. S.C. Stafford, and communicating with his Store, destroyed the Dry Goods and Grocery Store of Messrs. Miller &Crow, the private residence of Capt. C. A. Tenge, and the Drug Store of Messrs. Smith & Burtwell, when, luckily, it was arrested, thanks to the untiring energy of the citizens, aided by the devotion of several Freedmen, whose names are remembered.---Mrs. Seale, Messrs. Burtwell & Lyon, A. J. Rice & Co., Patton, Weems & Co., Hester & Wood, and Mr. Joseph Milner, who occupied contiguous buildings, suffered in the removal of their goods, whose losses we have estimated in the sum total of $50,000. But for the fact of the wind being from the South, the destruction of the entire block, of which Mr. Stafford's store formed the Northern wing, was inevitable; how far the raging element would have traversed, is left only to conjecture. As it is, the loss is very heavy for Florence, and awakes the sympathies of her many friends.

Messrs. Stafford, Tenge, Dr. Brock, and Mrs. Blair, who owned the buildings destroyed, and who are the heaviest losers, had no insurance on their property.


SOURCE: The Florence Journal, Wednesday, September 27, 1866, p. 3.]


Florence Journal
Sept 27, 1866


It is set out that J.B. Patton and J.M. Weems have purchased interest of H.G. Evans, in Patton, Weems and Evans, and will continue under name Patton & Weems – Sept 27, 1866

Mrs. James Jackson’s plantation at Forks of Cypress Creek are advertised for rent Sept 27, 1866, by her son, James Jackson

35 City lots at corner of Main & 6th Streets sold in Tuscumbia on Oct 20, 1866 by Mayor W.A. Peet, and L.B. Thornton, Secretary Town Council

Table on hold Fri. (Sept 21, 1866) at Flo-Weslyan University – They presented s? of Lott Cause?

Brown’s Jewelry Store – Andrew Brown – proprietor conducted in stated formerly? occupied by Mr. Wm. F. Wilmot?

Henry C. Wood was during 1866 – 7 Agent for the Aetna and Portland Fire Insurance Company of Hartford, Conn.

Greek & Hyde were on July 25, 1866. Receiving Foundry storage and concession merchants.

Joseph Milner was on Sept 27, 1865 conducting a drug business, his son, J.W. Milner is still conducting this business.

Patton and Brandon were on July 25, 1866 conducting a wool card one mile east of Florence, on the Huntsville Road, where they are “prepared to card wool at the shortest notice and in the best style.” They announced also a new “Horse Ferry Boat at the Florence Ferry where there will be no delay in crossing the river. Persons bringing wool to our cards from the South side of the river will have a liberal dedication made in ferriage.

Francis Moran conducted at Main and 3rd Streets, Tuscumbia a marble works known as the Tuscumbia Marble Works

The steamer, Jonas Powell regularly made Florence in 1865 – 66- 67

Patton and Weems conducted a general mercantile business

R.A. Ellis was the shoe merchant for Florence and his advertisement of Feb 7, 1866 states “The unde? would inform the citizens of Florence and surrounding county that he has opened a Boot and Shoe Shop on Main Street, 4 doors South of the Campbell House, Florence Ala, where he is prepared to accommodate all who may give him their patronage 

The Florence Book and Music Store was conducted by Harvey Hedden. His store was located on the west side of Court Street, next door to the Campbell House.

Powers & Lansford – (J.W. Powers – J.P. Lansford and Thomas R. Powers) conducted a Dry Goods and Grocery Business. Their place of business was located at the stand formerly occupied by Hillman and Hancock

Mrs. F. Seale whose place was destroyed by fire reopened by her on Main Street in front of Mrs. Campbell’s Hotel. This was on Sept 19,1866. The fire concurred Set. 24, 1866

Isaac E. Young was in 1860 conducting a carriage factory in Tuscumbia. This plant was closed during war and reopened by him in 1865 upon his return.

Robert White was conducting a general business in meats, etc. in 1866 – Jan 17.

James Brock & Son – Apposite and east of Court House was conducting a grocery business. M.P. Asher is set out as one of their representatives.

Among the cotton factors and buyers for this territory were:
Vow? Phul Sons & Co of St Louis, MO
Lowe & Bignon – New Orleans, LA 43 Union Street
Payne Huntington & Co – 51 Union St, New Orleans
Gilkeson & Sloss – Con?ssion Mechts – Memphis, Tenn
Sheerer & Fowler – 57 Main Street, Louisville, KY
T.L. Wilkinson & Co – St Louis
Hunt & Macauley - #80 Caupt St – corner of Natchez St
T.T. Green & Co – Memphis, Tenn
J.A. Donnally? & Co – Eastport, Miss; So. Florence, Ala
Jones & Co – Paducah, Key
Carr & Luke – St Louis
Simpson, Sanders & Co – Memphis, Tenn
Mhoon & Co – 14 Monroe St, Memphis, Tenn

Liquor Dealers
Julius H. Smith & Co
Charles S. Kintzing – 153 Green St, St Louis, MO
Berthold & Thompson - #13 So. Main St, St Louis, MO
Chick?, Army & Co – St Louis

Steam Boats
William H. Schutter #4 – Springfield Block, Cairo, Ill
Samuel Orr of the Evansville & Tennessee River Packet Co
M. Burns – St Louis Packet
Louisville Eastport and Florence Packet – “Bermuda”

William Simpson – Jan 3, 1866 – conducting a dry goods & grocery business at old stand of Tate, Simpson & Co.

Challen & Peet – general auction and con?ssion merchants of Tuscumbia. This firm were particularly noted as auctioneers throughout Tennessee, Ala, Miss, La, and Ky

Thomas J. Fry whose residence was in the jail was the Florence undertaker and cabinet maker. His place of business was set out as being opposite the jail.

William Ragsdale & Bro were on Sept 27, 1865 operating a Tin, Sheet Iron and Copperware manufacturing plant.

Calvert Roberts was among cotton factors – his house office was at 41 Union St, New Orleans, La

It is interesting to note that in April 1866 Warson & Petty were conducting the Carlotta Billiard Saloon. They did not however sell any intoxicating beverage.

Obituary Notice
Died at the residence of her parents in this place on the evening of Thursday the 27th ultinio? In her twenty-sixth year, Ann America Mastin, wife of Maj. F.W. Mastin of Huntsville, and eldest daughter of Gen. Samuel D. and Eliza Weakley. Next follows complimentary remarks. Journal – Oct 4, 1866

John C. McMahew of Tuscumbia died on Aug 3, 1866 at Tuscumbia. He was a member of Florence Lodge #14 – A.F.& A.M. Committee appt. – to prepare resolution consisted of James W. Stewart – William Leigh – E.C. Young
William Ragsdale was Sec of the Lodge. Their report and resolutions appear on Editorial page of Oct 4, 1866 issue Florence Journal.

Mrs. Seale who operated Millinery Shop after she was burned out occupied part of Patton & Weems store.

Sept 19, 1866 – Thomas F. Hewlett and Catherine W. Waites by Rev. Thomas F. Brown

Sept 19, 1866 – near Rogersville by Rev. Marcus Williams – Mr. Benjamin Haraway and Miss Peers? Grisham, both of Lauderdale Co

Sept 20, 1866 – near Rogersville by Charles Haraway, Esq – Mr. Joseph Martindale and Miss Susan Landrum?, both of this county.

J.B. Weakley and Thomas M. Sloss were in the Goods & Grocery business – Jan 31, 1866

J. Pollock was clerk of Town Council – 1866

Interesting Confederate Note – During the fight and stampede of Wheeler’s Cav. At Shelbyville, Tenn – about 22nd of June 1863, my oldest son, J.W. Musgrove (a Lt in the 1st Reg Ala Cav Confederate, was as I learned wounded and captured. I have never what became of him, whether he died there or was carried to some prison and died; any information about him will be thankfully received. - J.W. Musgrove - My post office is Blountsville, Ala – Oct 4, 1866

Capt. L.E. Gilbert who served with the 28th Ala is now one of the proprietors of the Carrolton “West Ala Banner?” - Journal - Oct 11, 1866

Thomas M. Phillips was Tax Collector – Lauderdale Co – 1866

Population of Lauderdale Co - We are indebted to Mr. Walter Glenn, who has just finished his arduous task for the following returns of the white and colored;
Population of the County –
White males 4839
White females 5149
Total white pop 9988
Colored males 2365
Colored females 2729
Tot – Colored pop 5094

Soldiers killed 125
Died of sickness? 233
Disabled 20
Insane 7
Epileptics 4
Idiots 8 Oct 11, 1866

Dr. J.A. Clopton, formerly of Florence has removed to Huntsville where he has gone into the practice of his profession.

At his residence six miles from Florence on the morning of the 11th (Oct 11) Col. G.G. Armistead, age 56 years. This another ? in the cau? Of connection which ? the past with the present , been served, and Lauderdale County mourns the loss of him who was a most clever citizen and ever a useful member of society.” Journal Oct 18, 1866

Oct 17, 1866 - Margaret Shelton daughter of Stringer and May White

The Tuscumbia Tournament is described in the North Alabamian of Oct 19, 1866 Should be included in Colbert Co History.

Mars Mattie E., wife of Rev. W.E. Davis – born Feb 1, 1840, embraced religion 1858, and departed this life Oct 6, 1866 - (Journal) Oct 25, 1866

Fine Cotton – Plantation for Rent

As administrator of the estate of Gray Dunn?, deceased; I will on the first Monday in December next on the premises, rent out to the highest bidder the plantation belonging to said estate situated on the Tennessee River near the mouth of Elk River, now occupied by McKimmin? & Creel , and known of the Dunn? Place. The plantation contains a little upward of five hundred acres. Three hundred of which are cleared and in a fine state of cultivation. There is a new gin house on the place and comfortable quarters for laborers.
James B. Irvine, Administrator

Lauderdale News – Mar 22, 1882

Robert McFarland practicing in 1882 – Florence – Office in Thompson Bldg – West of Court House

James G. House representing in 1882 – Connell, Morrow & Co of Nashville, Tenn

T.E. Brown – in Mar 1882 was proprietor of Corlotta Saloon

Dr. Wm. M. Price offers professional services. Office at A.J. Price & Sons Drug and Book Store.

In 1881, Mrs. O.A. Cutler was a dress maker; she operated at Wilson House on Main Street

ONeal & ONeal practicing 1881 office west of Court House

The Irvine Store houses were sold last Thursday (16th ) by Mr. W.J. Irvine to L.R. Westmoreland for 1,625 - Flo. News - Mar. 22, 1882

We are very sorry to learn that the physicians who have been consulted pronounce the blindness of Capt. Keller’s little girl incurable. - Mar 22, 1882

The Mayor has greatly improved the drainage crossings in several places during the past week. He is putting the money where it will do the most good and if the taxpayers would come up and settle, every street in town would be in fine condition. Mar 22, 1882

At Mrs. C.H. Coffee’s sale last Saturday, the home place containing about 1200 acres was sold at $35 per acre, and the island, about 300 acres, at $9.45. Capt. Wm. Coffee purchased the former and Capt. A.D. Coffee, the latter tract. News Mar 22, 1882

Mr. Thomas K. Ferguson will take charge of the Franklin House, having bought out Col. Parshall’s interest.

The Florence Mill Co. was operated by Missers Whitlock and Bishop.

John W. Clemmons, a native of Green Hill Lauderdale Co – died Mar 14, 1882. He was a mason and a highly esteemed citizen. His death occurred in Arkansas.

The News states Mar 22, 1882 – “we are glad to see B.M. Jackson, Esq., again on the street. He had a severe though comparatively short spell of fever. He is still very feeble!

S. L. Whitten was in mercantile business – 1882

Mr. John W. Powell sold his dwelling house last week to Mr. James W. Jordan for $1000

D.C. Crow purchased in Feb 1882 the saloon owned by J.E. Byrd.

Of interest this editorial note – Mar 22, 1882
“The lottery craze has struck Florence and although there is very little money in town, the New Orleans Lottery divides each month. At the last drawing several small prizes were won here and this of course makes dealers worse. We hope some Florentine will win the capitol prize for there is no section of country this is more in need of funds than this.”

News - Mar 22, 1882
If W.J.T. Stapler, Esq., will consent to be a candidate for a seat in the Lower House of the next General Assembly at the ensuing August election, he will get the support of the under signed and many others, believing as we do, that he will make old Lauderdale an honest capable and efficient Representative. Woodson Simmons, Thomas Goode, J.J. Hurn, Thomas Miller, R.D. Andrews, Lee Butler, W.T. Weaver, A.T. Howie, C.W. Haraway, J.W. Bedingfield, Ingram Fuqua, B.A. Fuqua, J.W. Cunningham, W.L. Oliver.

Ellis & Blair – 1882 - Proprietors of the Good Deal Saloon

W.E. Haraway - Probate Judge - 1882

Andrew Brown - Watchmaker & Jeweler

Chisholm, Westfield and Nance - Dentists made quarterly visits to Florence 1881 – 1882. Their headquarters were at R-L-Bliss’s Store.

R.T. Simpson, Atty at Law – Office in Mr. Irvine’s Bldg – west of Court House.

Charles D. Clarlse? – Atty at Law – Office in Bldg west of Court House

George P. Jones – Atty at Law - Office in Thompson Bldg

In 1880 J.R. Price & Son (will Fort Price) were operating a Drug and Book Store

Henry D. Smith whose office was at N.T. McKays Store was the agent 1881 – 1882 for Wheeler and Wilson’s select sewing machines.

Z. P. Morrison and A.G. Chisholm were undertakers. Their establishment was on Main Street – Florence

H.T. Ellis operated a shoe shop in store lately occupied by Hilton Key.

Samuel A. Diehl was a tailor 1881 – 1882. His shop up over M. Jacobs Store.

Hudson Bros. operated a general mercantile store in building occupied by Lee B. Litten .

W. P. Campbell & Co Bankers – They did a general banking business and also collecting in various parts of the Tennessee Valley.

Under the head of Alabama and Georgia Debt Settlements – published in Columbia, (Tenn) Independent and recopied in Mar 29, 1882 issue Florence News, a full discussion is given of the reproduction of certain bonds. Write and see if wanted copied.

Indiana, Alabama and Texas – R.R. 
1. -- Editorial - Croakers?
2. – Speeches by Judge Wood
3. – Railroad meeting at which Capt. R.T. Simpson was elected chairman 
4. – An appeal to the people of Lauderdale County in behalf of the Indiana, Alabama & Texas R.R.
Secure copies of these from Mar 29, 1882 issue Florence News

Dr. J.T. Bickley was 1881 and part 1882 County Health Officer

Colbert County
The Cypress Bridge is reported in very unsafe condition - Mar 29, 1882

1893 Follows
January 1893
Dr. J.R. Holgate McClusky – Young Block – Tennessee Street

Simpson & Jones - Attys at law

Earnest O’Neal - Atty at Law

Ashcraft & Vance - Attys at Law - Office No 2 Bliss Block - Tennessee Street

Walker & Hall - Attys at Law - #10 Bliss Block - Particular attention paid to Real Estate & Corporation law. A. E. Walker – late of the Va.Bar – H.M. Hall, Jr. late of the Maine Bar.

Dr. W.H. Helden – Dentist - Crown & bridgework a specialty. - Over Harrison Hardware Store – Court St – Florence, Ala

John D. Weeden – Atty at Law - Office over National Bank

S.P. Cowardin - Civil and Mining Engineer - Laboratory and office in Reeder Block – Chesnut to Florence Cotton & Iron Co - Lawrence Ore Banks

T.J. Ross - Atty at Law - Office Room 6 – Bliss Bldg

Weakley & Jordan Lawyers - 1-2-3 Reeder Building - John B. Weakley, Jr. and C.E. Jordan

R.T. Simpson, Jr. - Atty at Law - Rooms - McFarland’s old office

Nathan Parkins - Atty at Law - Rooms 2 & 4 Hudson Bldg - Court House Square

Thurston H. Allen - Atty at Law - Intelligence Row - Opposite Court House

Lauderdale Court Abstract Co – G? H. Smith - Atty - Titles Examined and abstracts of Title furnished to lands in City or County.

Dr. W.M. Price, physician & Surgeon - Office Southall’s Drug Store - 411 Court Street

Dr. A.H. Smith - Physician & Surgeon - Embry’s Mills - 8 miles North of Florence - Offers his professional services to the City and County.

Dr. J.W. Jones -0 Dentist - Mr. J.T. Farmer Building – Court Street - Florence, Ala

Dr. W.N. White - Dentist - Office and residence corner Katie Bells and Kendrick Streets.

P.S. Boyd, M.D. – Telephone 9 - Montgomery Block - Sheffield, Ala

Fire & Inland Insurance – H.C. Wood, Ajust. – Companies: Aetna, Phoenix, Connecticut, London & Liverpool & Globe, Springfield E & M, Continental, Georgia Home, and Home Protection. Policies written on Buildings, Merchandise, Furniture, Factories, Machinery at lowest rates. Cyclone policies issued. Thirty years experience – a guarantee of intelligence and reliable insurance.

H. Hieger watchmaker and Jeweler – Tennessee St. opposite Bliss Block.

Fire Insurance – W.M. Campbell over the First National Bank represents Mechanies & Traders of New Orleans and Manchester Insurance Company of Manchester, Eng.

A. Hanerwas – Brick Manufacturing Works – manufacturing on Cox’s Creek – Florence, Ala

Jesse Patton – 1 Fire Team & Victoria Carriage – Office in Basement City Hall

Florence Marble Works – C.B. Eldred

Florence Livery & Transfer Co. – John W. Hall, Manager – Telephone #12 – Stables – College Street

Florence Synodical Female College, Incorporated 1855 – President Rev, Jos. Bardwell, D.D. – Formerly State Superintendent of Education of Mississippi late of Southwestern Presbyterian University. Course: To cover all branches of higher female education. Location: Noted for health and fine climate. Buildings: To be enlarged and thoroughly renovated before opening. Terms Moderate. Session Opens Sept 15, 1892. Apply to President – Florence, Ala 

Reserve, Ala – Lauderdale County Notes Dec 29, 1892
Mrs. Minerva Rhodes died at the home of her daughter, Mrs.Mary Wooten, on the 26th instant, in the 71st year of her age. She was the mother of ten children, four of whom survive her, three daughters residing in Lauderdale County, and one son in Arkansas. Her husband preceeded her to the grave nearly fourteen years ago. She was a true and faithful member of the M.E. Church and was loved and respected by both old and young. We extend our sympathies to the bereaved relatives. Flo Times – Jan 6, 1893

Mrs. Josephine Dally, of near Reserve, is moving to Oakland and will occupy the house vacated by Dr. H.L. Ray.

Mr. J.R. Andrews has bought out Missers. H. Call & Son and has moved to his house in the village. Mersrs Call & Son going to Florence (Seven Points)

Rev, A.J. Maddox preached at Reserve during 1893

Constitutional Convention - The contest for and against a state constitutional convention is on in dead earnest. The Advertiser opposes the move and the Birmingham Age – Herald and Mobile Reporter are among its leading advocates. The opponents of the convention claim that amendments can be made to the constitution through legislative action; but its advocates say that that manner of making changes in the organic law have been tried and failed. In the meantime Speaker Pettus has announced himself in favor of a convention and says he will introduce a bill in the legislature after recess with that end in view. - The Flo Times - Jan 7, 1893

There is a very fine article by John B. Weakley, Jr. in the Sat. Jan 7, 1893 issue of The Florence Times on”The District Court.” This article should be copied and I shall do so at first opportunity.

R.G. Banks & Co - dealers in coal & wood

D.G. Wilcoxson - Tax Assessor - 1893

George Young Furniture Company

Frank Powers in Grocery Business - His store was located on Court Street

Carl Dice - General Grocery Business

Mr. Alexander Crittinten died in Sheffield on the 29th ultinio and his remains were interred in the City Cemetery of Florence on the 30th.

The Exchange Hotel renovated and renewed is again in fine operation, fully equipped to meet the wants of the traveling public.

Mrs. Ida F. Commander removed millenary establishment to James & Sommers old stand on Tennessee St.

B. B. Garner – Staple & Fancy Groceries & Feed Stuff – 403 Court St – Jett and Sinnus old stand

Racket Store Edge & Co

Mrs. Swaine? – Milinary & Fancy Goods

On the 20th day of December 1892 by J.W. Herston, Esq. - N.P. & J.P. at the officiating magistrates residence, Mr Charles N. Thompson to Miss Fannie Kerbo

On the 22nd day of December 1892 by Esquire Herston at the home of the bride near Whitehead. – Mr.William Ray to Miss Margaret A. Litteral, both of Lauderdale

On the 20th of December 1882, Mr. J.W. Beavers to Miss Hulda Thompson, both of Stutts beat

On the 20th of December by Rev J.W. Garret, Mr. Columbus Michall to Miss Fanny Gray

On the 29th of December by Rev. Mr. Cross at St Jo, Tenn – Mr. W.E. Abernathy to Miss Delia Clemmons

On Wednesday evening the 28th ult. By Rev. Dr. Preston at the home of the bride’s sister, Mrs. C.N. Jones, Mr. Gray of Fayetteville, Tenn to Miss Myrtle Wilson of Florence.

George P. Arthur Insurance – Represented the following companies: American Fire (in) Philadelphia; Pennsylvania Fire (in) Phila.; German – American (in) New York; Fire Arsin? (in) Phila; Germania? (in) New York; Orient (in) Hartford; Caledonian (US Branch) Scotland

Karsner & Ingram - Hardware, stoves, house furnishing goods, belting, etc. - McCluskey – Young three story building, Tennessee St.

Olaf B. Carlson - Merchant Tailor - Tennessee St - Florence

George W. Seawright - Boot & Shoe Maker - Shop with Young and Simpson, Shoe store next door to Brown Jewelry Store.

Harry Smith - Magazines, newspapers, Periodicals, Current literature, etc. - Court Street, next door North of Burtwell’s Drug Store

Florence Wagon Company - operated in 1892 – 1893 

C.W. Helden’s Light Carriage Works at LaRocks old stand – Tennessee St.

James Burtwell Druggist

Florence Institute - Alex S. Paxton – Principal - Florence, Ala - School of High grades for Boys & Young Men – Military training - Next session begins Sept 13, 1892

Oldest Jewelry House in North Alabama - Andrew Brown, Proprietor - 404 Court Street

Jones and Crowell Drugs, Chemicals – Dyes, Paints, Oil, window glass, fancy and toilet articles, stationary.

A.P. & J.L. Holtsford Contractors & Builders - addiers lock box 361, Florence, Ala

J.G. Didlake pianos & organs 

Partrick & Jackson – Peter A. Partrick & Frank Jackson Dry Goods & Hardware

The Merchants Bank – Florence, Ala - John H. Young, President; M.B. Shelton, Vice Pres.; S.S. Broadus, Cashier - Capital subscribed = $50,000; Capital paid up = $25,000
Directors: John H. Young, Jerrie McClusky, M.W. Camper, W.H. Kendrick, M.B. Shelton, J.W. Morgan, Jr.; Geo. A. Leftwich, George P. Arthur; S.S. Broadus, J.W. Bedingfield, W.M. Bunting, James H. Freeman. Executive Committee: James McPeters, J.W. Morgan, Jr., John H. Young, M.B. Shelton, Jerrie McClusky. - Correspondents: Chemical National Bank – New York (page torn)

2024 by County Coordinator Patricia Bryant Hartley.

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