Lauderdale County, Alabama
Chancery Court Records
Unlike other courts of law with clear-cut and strict judicial guidelines, chancery courts administer cases by weighing equity or fairness. Cases could include domestic disputes, wills, guardianships, land disputes, divisions of estates, or business partnership issues. Chancery judges must weigh the evidence and determine a fair resolution. These records often contain a wealth of genealogical information.
EQUITY RECORDS 1828 (Slaves Mentioned in Index)
MINUTE DOCKET "A" June Term 1839 - May Term 1859
OFFICE DOCKET "C" Index 1870 - 1877
RECORD BOOK "F" 1849 - 1852
Thurstin L T vs John B Boggs 1-10
Noel, James vs John T Abernathy 11-28
Dillahunty, Wm C vs James Noel et al 28-63
Dillahunty, Sarah vs Nathan Boddie 65-97
Jackson, Sarah Exr et al vs Sarah M Polk 98-115
Jackson, Sarah Exr et al vs A D Hunt et al 116-132
Harkins, Martin et al vs Willis Pope et al 133-212
Savage, Martha E admr vs V M Benham, admr 213-316
Kirkman & Rosser vs R M Patton 318-343
Thos Kirkman vs Martha Andrews et als 393-425
MINUTE DOCKET 1877 - 1884 Index