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Coffee Cemetery (Servants)

Laud Cem # 111   T3S, R11W, Sec 19            
Surveyed January 1998 by Orlan Irons            
Location:    From downtown Florence, go N on AL 20; Lt on CR 2 about 1.5 m; Lt through a locked gate.  Hollis Rice or Chipper Ezell have keys.  Go S down the graveled Rd about 0.6 m.  Go through two more gates.  This cemetery is in the center of the pasture about 0.7 m from the highway.  There is a steel fence around it and one big tree in it.            
The other African-American Coffee cemetery is in the woods.            
* On the back of Martha's stone: "Faithful servant and friend to the family of Alexander Donaldson [Donelson] Coffee all her life.  Erected to the memory of my mammy by Mary Coffee Campbell."            
** On the back of his stone: "All his life faithful and loyal servant of General John Coffee and his son Alexander Donelson Coffee.  Erected to the memory of Pap Dave by Mary Coffee Campbell.            
1880 Census of Laud Co AL lists the following as being neighbors:            
A.D. Coffee & his family; Mary Coffee O'Neal & her son Edward; Sarah Hutchins (c1810 TN); Martha Crawford (c1836 AL) & her children Thomas (c1863 AL), Kate (1866 AL), & George (1868 AL); David Smith (c1795 SC); and C Hutchins (female) (c1810 SC)            

2024 by County Coordinator Patricia Bryant Hartley.

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