Lauderdale County, Alabama
Churches and Ministers
These pages contain lots of wonderful information about the churches and ministers of Lauderdale County, including biographies or records (membership lists, marriages/funerals performed, etc.). Some of these churches no longer exist. If you have pictures or historical information or about a Lauderdale County church you would like to share, please contact us at!
Elgin or Bluewater Freewill Baptist
Evergreen Missionary Baptist Church
Florence Churches - 1913 - 1914
Florence Churches - 1920 - 1921
First United Methodist Church - Florence
Liberty Baptist Church at Threet
Old Mt. Olive
Stoney Point Church of Christ
Virgil Henderson Gean, Sr.
T. B. Larimore

This postcard, contributed in January 2006 by Paul Parker, features the following beautiful churches of Florence, Alabama (clockwise from upper left): First Presbyterian Church, Poplar Street Church of Christ, Trinity Episcopal Church, First United Methodist Church, and (in the center) First Baptist Church.