Lauderdale County, Alabama
Stoney Point Church of Christ
Church Book (1874 - 1920)
Contributed by Lee Freeman and Mr. Owen Freeman
Page 1
July 10, 1874
"Fear God and keep his Commandments for this is the whole duty of Man" - Solomon
"If ye love me keep my Commandments"
"He that keepeth my commandments, he it is that loveth me" - The Savior
"Blessed are they that do his commandments, that they may have right to the tree of life, and may enter in through the gate into the City" - John
Affectionately presented by T. B. Larimore
Page 2
William B. L. Thrasher
Rachel Thrasher
Nancy Butler fell asleep
Julia Amonett
John Thrasher fell asleep
Susan Thrasher
Hetty A. Marks
Elias Thrasher
Henrietta M. Thrasher fell asleep
Hetty A Thrasher
James C. Thrasher
Lizzie Borren
Thomas Clark fell asleep
Lucinda Clark fell asleep
Lizzie Clark
Wm. A. Watkins
Jessie Townsley
Mary E Wilks fell asleep
Charlie S C Wilks
Awse? Webb
Page 3
Margaret Gooch fell asleep
D W Butler
Page 4
January 25, 1876
1 Thrasher W. B. L. Dead
2 " ", Rachel Dead
3 Amonett, Julia Dead
4 Butler, Nancy Dead
5 Marks, Hetty A.
6 Thrasher, Elias
7 " ", Henrietta M.
8 " ", Hetty A.
9 " ", James C. Dead
10 Borron, Lizzie gone
11 Clark, Thomas C. Piney Grove
12 " ", Lucinda Dead
13 " ", Lizzie Piney Grove
14 Wadkins, William A. Piney Grove
15 Townsley, Jesse
16 Wilks, Marry E.
17 " ", Carlie S. C.
18 Webb, Auses gone
Page 5
19 Gooch, Willie P
20 " ", Margarett
21 Butler, D. W.
22 Gooch, Elizabeth gone
23 " ", Mitie A. ?? gone
24 Logue, Mary gone
25 Butler, R. P.
26 Curtis, Robt Piney Grove
27 Broadfoot, Lucy
28 Wesson, Sariah ___ J.
29 Myres, Peter V.
30 Ijames, Malinda
31 " ", John
32 " ", Ann
33 Hall, Margaret join ___________
34 Hall, Amanda " "
35 Hall, Elizabeth " "
36 Logue, Texanna gone
37 Lawson, Emma gone
38 Sarrah, Freeman gone
39 Georgie A. Wesson gone
40 Marth Hinds Dead
41 Hall, Eizebella gone to Brethe----
Page 6
42 Earnest, Mary
43 Gooch, James gone
44 Gooch, Nancy
45 Ijames, Joseph
46 Ijames, Fanny
47 Wilks, Lena?
48 Butler, Artemis
49 Cohorn, Marry A.
50 Wesson, John
51 Marks, L. E. E. L.
52 Marks, W E gone
53 Townsley, J F B
54 Thrasher, W B L Jr gone
55 Wilks, Robt
56 Logue, Frank gone
57 Logue, Elizebeth gone
58 Logue, Evaline gone
59 Billingsly, W H Transfer - Antioc?
60 Davidson, Leroy Transferd
61 Gooch, Florence gone
62 Hall, Harriett
63 Luker, S. Y.? gone
64 Billingsly, Alace Piney grove
Page 7
65 Billingsley, M. E. Piney grove
66 Massey, D. F. [T?] Piney grove
67 Pusser, James Dead
68 Bryant, Emma
69 McClanahan, Miss
70 Broadfoot, W A
71 Broadfoot, Josias
72 Broadfoot, E. S.
73 Ijames, Miss Jane Dead
74 Freeman, Willey gone
75 Garrard, D Dead
76 Wadkins, L. M. Piney grove
77 Massey, A E " "
78 Wilks, Sallie
79 Wilks, Lousey
80 Moss, Lizie gone
81 Pusser, Sallie
82 Alaxander, Mary gone
83 Thrasher, Kizzie Dead
84 Thrasher, M A
85 Butler, Mark
86 Butler, Bin
87 Townsley, Lizie
Page 8
88 Townsley, Fanny
89 Moss, Eady gone
90 Howel, Mollie gone
91 Green, Lusey gone
92 Beasley, Sindy
93 Shuck, Emma
94 Shuck, Addy
95 Earnest, Fanny
96 Bonds, Wm
97 Bonds, Martha
98 Bonds, Lou
99 Craven, Nancy
100 Craven, Aleck
101 Butler, Anny
102 Butler, Josie
103 Wilks, Frank
104 Stevenson, John
105 Kirkland, Susan
106 Brewer, John
107 Russel, Josey
Page 9
November 1st 1885
1 Marks,Henrietta A
2 Townsley, Jessie
3 Wilks, Mary E fell asleep
4 Broadfoot, Lucy
5 Wesson, Sarah J.
6 Earnest, Mary
7 Gooch, Nancy
8 Butler, Artemis
9 Cauhorn, Marry A
10 Marks, E L
11 Wilks, Sallie fell asleep
12 Wilks, Loucy fell asleep
13 Butler, Mark
14 Townsley, Fanney
16 Earnest, Fanney or Stevenson
17 Bonds, Martha
18 Bonds, Lou
Page 10
19 Wilks, Frank
20 Stevenson, John
21 Brewer, John
22 Russell, Josey
23 Shuck, Aday
24 Shuck, Sarah Ann
25 Blackbourn, Emma
26 Johnston, Martha
27 Johnston, Mary L
28 Sharpston, Mrs fell asleep
29 Shuch, Coley
30 Wesson, John
31 Ijames, Matilda
32 " ", Joseph
33 " ", Fanney
34 " ", John
35 " ", Ann
36 Butler, Henry fell asleep
37 Butler, Saletha fell asleep
38 Butler, Lou
39 Butler, James Sr
40 Butler, Will
Page 11
41 Wilson, Jane
42 Bonds, Jane
43 Young, Call
45 Underwood, Thos [no. is correct]
46 Butler, James Jr
47 Markes, Mary
48 Call, fanney
49 Call, James
50 Smith, amanda
51 Smith, Lillie
52 Smith, Anna
53 Marks, John fell asleep
54 Marks, James
55 Zands, Eda?
56 Smallwood, Sidney
57 Wilks, Jessee
58 Williams, carline
59 Williams, Masuria
60 Williams, Josie
61 Williams, Mrs.
62 Freeman, Dollia ?
63 Underwood, Mollie
64 Underwood, Mamy
Page 12
65 Underwood, Emma
66 Underwood, Will
67 Ingle, Carline
68 Blackburn, Mariam
69 Blackburn, Margarett
70 Smallwood, George
71 --lanton, Louis fell asleep
72 " ", Ida
73 " ", Ada
74 " ", Naoma
75 " ", Cl---
76 Townsley, Rosa fell asleep
77 " ", E C?
78 " ", Minna
79 Smith, Sallie
80 " ", William fell asleep
81 Butler, James
82 " ", Louis
83 Willson, Linna?
84 " ", Vann?
85 Butler, Jane
86 " ", Lizzie fell asleep
87 " ", Eliza fell asleep
Page 13
88 Rhodes, Nancy fell asleep
89 Mollie Sharp?
90 Eula Sharp
91 Berry Sharp
92 Dollie Sharp
93 Hattie Sharp fell asleep
94 Roxey sharp fell asleep
95 Ches wesson
96 Mrs. C. Wesson
97 Emma Jones
98 Loney Jones
99 Anna Jones
100 Ollie Jones
101 W B Stevenson fell asleep
102 N J Stevenson fell asleep
103 Eva Underwood fell asleep
104 Edgar Underwood
105 Fred townsley
106 Ines? Sharp? Sept
107 ????
108 Charles Sharp
109 ?? Sharp
Page 14
110 Tom Townsley fell asleep
111 Ethel Townsley
112 James Savage
113 John Henry --------
114 Willis? Marks
115 Chapel Buttler
116 Fannie Hendricks
117 Emit Marks
Mr Goad
Miss Walters
Page 15
Stoney Point Church Book
Lauderdale County Ala
118 Ada Gooch Sept 10 1910
119 C------ Underwood
120 Miss bessie Townsley
122 Willie Wallace [no. 121 not used]
123 John Jackson
125 Ruben Miles
125 Eli Miles
126 Dedie Underwood
127 Hettie Wallace
128 Ette [Ethe?] Townsley fell asleep
129 Mrs Rubin Miles
130 Mrs Mattie sharp
131 Vernon Underwood
132 Loula Zahnd
133 Glen Delano
134 Theophilus Underwod
135 Bettie Boyd
136 Mrs Sallie Buttler
137 Josie Jackson
138 Clayton Underwood fell asleep
139 George Steward
Page 16
140 Felix Butler
141 James Gooch
142 James Sharp
143 Mrs Fannie Sharp
Sept 1913
144 Maggie Townsley
145 Bessie Wallace
146 Leanie Wallace
147 Will Wallace
148 Fletcher Underwood
149 Cedire? Sharp
150 Allen Freaman
151 Emernola Sharp
152 [too dim to read]
153 Ellen ---chson
154 Mattie Call
Page 17
Aug. 1918
Mason Underwood 155
Virdia Underwood 156
Virgel Wallase 157
Willie Sue " 158
Grace " 159
Lee Ritcheson 160
Mame " 161
Columbus Miles 162
Sil Miles 163
Page 18
The Church of Christ
Stony Point 1917
June 3
Elmer Hyde 168
Aug 1919
Will Genzy 169
Miss genzy 170
Ollie Gooch 171
Aug 1919
Oct 29 1919
Emory Freeman 172
Vivian Goodman 173
Nov 3 1919 174
Mayro Sharp
Delila Phillips 175
John Phillips 176
Page 19
Sept 11 1920
Stoney Point church of Christ
Ona Patterson 177
Turner Dowdy 178
Buford Dowdy 179
Emmaleau Smith 180
Benton Sharpe 181
Pearl Haygood 182
Mrs Lawson 183
Lessie Lawson 184
Velma Call 185