Lauderdale County, Alabama
School Funding for the Year 1872
Florence, Ala., Feb. 5, 1872
To the Trustees of the Free Public Schools in Lauderdale County.
Gentlemen:--I give you below the amount apportioned to each township in the county:
Whites Colored
T 1 R 7 west $ 202.66 $
T 1 R 8 west 441.33
T 1 R 9 west 378.06 14.67
T 1 R 10 west 442.66 45.34
T 1 R 11 west 270.66 22.67
T 1 R 12 west 274.66 53.34
T 1 R 13 west 230.66 12.00
T 1 R 14 west 234.66 [blank]
T 1 R 15 west 316.00 25.33
T 1 R 16 west 32.00 [blank]
T 2 R 7 west 222.66 28.00
T 2 R 8 west 417.33 98.67
T 2 R 9 west 285.33 237.33
T 2 R 10 west 320.00 181.33
T 2 R 11 west 194.66 196.00
T 2 R 12 west 357.33 236.00
T 2 R 13 west 278.66 246.67
T 2 R 14 west 94.66 9.34
T 2 R 15 west 96.00 34.33
T 3 R 11 west 546.66 502.67
T 3 R 12 west 262.67 446.66
T 3 R 13 west 50.60 254.67
Total $6,252.06 $2,877.14
The following are the late laws which will govern your action:
No Trustee shall teach a free public school. No school will be recognized as a public school until after this notice.
Trustees must not pay more than $40 per month for a school of twenty pupils, nor more than ten dollars per month for every additional ten pupils. Not more than three schools to each race allowed in a township. Schools must have an average attendance of twenty pupils, and must continue in operation five months. If the fund is not sufficient to secure
the services of competent teachers, the patrons must pay the teacher enough to continue the schools in operation at least five months. Teachers must report to me in duplicate quarterly. Teachers must make contracts with trustees of adjoining townships for transferred children, and have contracts approved by me, within twenty days from the time
the children enter school, or they will forfeit their pay.
In order to give the laboring children an equal chance with the rest, I would suggest that you make contracts, to close schools April 30th, and commence July 16th, and close the balance of the five months term by the 1st of October. The sooner you start the schools, I think, the better. I expect soon to have money to pay the balance due the teachers for last year.
Respectfully yours,
[SOURCE: The Lauderdale Times, Tuesday, 6 Feb 1872, p. 3 ]