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People (J - P)

These images are the faces of our ancestors and their neighbors and friends. The comments accompanying these photos were provided by the contributor.  We would very much like to update the email addresses of the contributors to enable collaboration among potential family members; if you have contributed a photo, please email


Contributed by Peggy Joice Horton in Nov 1999

This is a picture of Amanda (Mandy) Elizabeth Jackson 
(b. December, 1858; d. July 7, 1932, Lauderdale Co, AL) 
and her husband,  Samuel H. Butler (b. January 16, 1853; d. March 14, 1914, Lauderdale Co, AL) with some of their ten children.  Amanda was the daughter of Mary and Robert Jackson; Samuel was the son of Margaret (Herston) and John Winston Butler, all of Lauderdale County. Amanda and Samuel were married at the home of John Jackson on October 26, 1873.  Both are buried in the Butler Cemetery at Bluewater Creek.  


We believe that the John Jackson mentioned on their marriage license is the one married to Marey (Polly) Butler, a sister to Samuel,  and who is Amanda's uncle,  a brother to Robert, her father. If anyone can identify the children in the picture, please contact us.  Any additional information will be appreciated.  


Contributed 1 Sep 1999 by Sally Moore Brace

James Jackson (25 Oct 1782 - 17 Aug 1840) was the builder and owner of the "Forks of the Cypress" plantation.  He was born 25 Oct 1782 in Ballibay County Monoghan, Ireland, and died 17 Aug 1840, in Lauderdale County, Alabama. He was buried in the family cemetery.


Sarah (Moore) Jackson, his widow, was the executor of his will, and on 9 Oct 1840 made bond in the amount of $400,000. As a young man James had enlisted in The United Irishmen in the uprising of 1798. He was captured by General Cornwallis and sentenced to be banned and transported as a felon to Botany Bay, Austrailia. He was instead, with some intervention of the Kirkman family, transported to Philadelphia and ended up in Nashville as a successful Merchandiser. 


Contributed 20 Mar 2008 by Sally Moore Brace


James Jackson of Ballybay, Ireland


Father of James Jackson of "Forks of the Cypress"



Contributed Nov 1999 by Peggy Joice Horton 

This picture is of Mary Jackson, (b. abt 1841 AL, d. ?), widow of Robert Jackson, with two of her three daughters. The daughter on the right is Amanda (Mandy) Elizabeth Jackson, (b. December, 1858; d. July 7, 1932, Lauderdale Co, AL), who married Samuel H. Butler, the son of Margaret (Herston) and John Winston Butler, on October 26, 1873, in Lauderdale County.

The daughter on the left is Sarah (Sallie) H. Jackson, (b. April 25, 1866 MS; d. September 21, 1936, Jefferson Co, AL) who married William W. Bacon, on December 24, 1885, in Lauderdale County.

Mary's maiden name was possibly NAIL, DALEY/DALY/DAILEY, or BROWN.


Contributed 1 Sep 1999 by Sally Moore Brace

"Sally the Beautiful"
10 Jul 1790 - 24 Dec 1879


Contributed 15 Oct 2006 by David Montgomery

Matt and Kate Jones and children Clyde and Curtis.

Matt and Kate Jones were the parents of William Clarence Jones,
a Free Will Baptist Preacher.


Contributed 16 Nov 1999 by Peggy Joice Horton

This picture is of Lillie and Ida KATE/CATE/CATES, half-sisters to my grandfather, Emmett E. JOICE who was married to Rosa Ellen NEWTON, both growing up in or near Lexington, Lauderdale County, Alabama.

A very small picture (which was enlarged), it is mounted on a white cardboard frame which is stamped "Covell, 1817 1st Ave., Birmingham, Ala." under the picture.  On the back is written:  "from sisters to brother, Lillie and Ida".


Contributed June 2003 by Pat McDonald

Daniel Killen (1842-1917) was the son of John Killen and Susannah Richardson. Daniel Killen enlisted Christmas Eve, 1861, at Florence, AL as a private in the 27th AL Infantry, Co. E. In 1866, he married Hannah Manerva Springer, a daughter of John Springer and his first wife, Lucretia Powell. Daniel and Hannah had 14 children.


Contributed June 2003 by Pat McDonald


Hannah (1847 - 1931) was the daughter of John Springer and his first wife, Lucretia Powell. (She is mentioned in her father’s estate settlement, and her grand- father Powell’s estate.) She married Daniel McDougal Killen, 1866, in Lauderdale County, AL.


Contributed Sep 2001 by Bill Freeman

Frank Livingston, (born Dec 1870) and wife Nannie Campbell, (born Oct 1875) Frank and Nannie were married about 1894. Nannie was a daughter of David Randolph and Ann Elizabeth (Hendrix) Campbell


Contributed Oct 2000 by Robert C. Sollars

Inez Sollars McFadden was born in 1881, married a Mr. McFadden of Florence, AL and by him had at least two daughters, Inez Pauline McFadden, c. 1902, and Margaret McFadden who is believed to have married a Mr. Sletta. 

Inez Sollars McFadden died 17 Jan 1925 in Florence, Lauderdale Co., AL.  I am hoping to learn the given name of her husband, and who her daughters married. Anything else regarding this family will be greatly appreciated.


Contributed by Frank Michael Williams

Front Row, left to right:
Luther D. Michael    16 Jun 1895  
Henry Irvin Michael    21 Dec 1853  
Thomas Eli Michael     Feb 1892  
Mary Lee Moon Michael    24 Dec 1870  
William McKinley Michael    4 Mar 1897  
Vandy Calvin Michael    10 Oct 1890  
Mary Emma Octivia Michael Williams 22 Jul 1877 
Myrtle Lee Williams    15 Dec 1901  
Allison Andrew Williams    1 Feb 1876

Back Row
Robert C. Michael    8 Apr 1887  
Sarah E. Michael Joiner    29 Nov 1882  
Oscar Lee Michael    11 Apr 1885  
John L. Michael    25 Sep 1881  


Contributed by Lori A. Harrison

I do not know who the children are.


Submitted 23 Jan 2000 by Mitzi W. Thornell

My mother inscribed this as "Tellie MYRIC" on the back of the photo, but I think the spelling should be MYRICK. If you are a direct descendant of Miss Tellie MYRICK, please contact me.  

According to Sharman Sewell Pepper, this lovely lady is 
Tellie LINDSEY who married John MYRICK.


Contributed 10 Oct 1999 by Peggy Joice Horton

This picture of Rosa Ellen NEWTON JOICE and her brothers, John J. NEWTON (left) and William T. NEWTON (right) was was taken in the summer of 1916, on the day that Rosa and her husband E. E. JOICE, and their eight children were moving from Lexington, Alabama, to Poteau, LeFlore County, Oklahoma.   Rosa was still in mourning for the loss of a son, James Albert JOICE,  in February, 1916.  William Elmer JOICE, another son, had died at the age of two in 1901 and is buried next to James Albert at Second Creek Cemetery, Lawrence Co., TN. 


Rosa, John, and William were the remaining living children of Mary Ann SPRINGER and William Ananias NEWTON of Lexington. Their oldest sister, Sarah Matilda NEWTON, wife of Andrew JACKSON, had died in 1903.


Contributed 16 Nov 1999 by Peggy Joice Horton


John J. Newton with his family: wife Tabitha J.; 
sons Thomas W., John J., Presley P., and Claudie J.

John J. Newton (b. January 12, 1868; d. March 9, 1930) was the son of William Ananis and Mary Ann (Springer) Newton. He was married to the former Tabitha J. Stanford (b. July 4, 1857; d. January 27, 1940).   He and his family lived in or near Lexington, Alabama. This picture was found in Rosa Ellen (Newton) Joice's trunk and was 
probably made around 1904-1905. She was John's sister and my grandmother.


Contributed by Peggy Joice Horton

William T. Newton delivered the U. S. Mail in the early 1900's in the Lexington, Alabama area.   In the picture, he has a rolled up newspaper in his right hand, and the mail bag is behind him on his right side.    


Contributed 1 Jul 2004 by E. Haskett

This picture was taken about 1893 on the Hardin
County, TN farm, presently Shiloh Battlefield.

Littleberry Odom, seated, was born 15 Feb. 1839, probably Lauderdale Co. Alabama since the family is there in the 1840 and 1850 census. He died 21 May 1897, and is buried in Wesley Chapel Cemetery, Hardin Co., TN. Littleberry was the son of Littleberry (Sr.) and Mary (Polly) Cochran.  His sisters were: Diannah M. (Odom) Robertson, wife of Henry and Mary Ann (Odom) Robertson, wife of Mills, of Lauderdale County, AL.

Standing (L-R): Unidentified neighbor boy, Dosia Odom Hathcock, Nina Odom Reed, John Franklin Odom, George G. Odom.

Seated (L-R): Littleberry, wife Susan Mary Mosier, daughter of Phillip B. and Lucinda A. Smith Mosier of Tishomingo County, Mississippi. 


Contributed 18 May 2000 by Alison Collignon

George Edward Oldham
Born 1857 - Died 1905


Margaret Thornton Oldham
Born October 22 1859 - July 27, 1917


Submitted by Rhuea M. (Patton) France

Son of Rachel and Henry Patton; b 22 Dec 1865, Florence, AL; 
d Sand Springs, OK, 1941. 


Brothers and sister: John Posey, Henry, and Ella


Submitted by Rhuea M. (Patton) France

Daughter of Rachel and Henry Patton; born in Florence, AL; 
married Minus Tilford, 7 Mar 1878.

Brothers: John Posey, Alex, and Henry 


Submitted by Rhuea M. (Patton) France

Henry Patton married Rachel Huff; died approximately Feb 1901. Henry was an old family servant of the late Governor Robert M. Patton.


Their children include: Ella, Alex, John Posey, and Henry.


Submitted by: Rhuea M. (Patton) France

Son of Rachel and Henry Patton b 1876, Florence, AL; d 1959, Haskell, OK, age 83.

Brothers and sister: John Posey, Alex, and Ella


Contributed by Rhuea M. (Patton) France

Son of Rachel and Henry Patton; married Harriet Bailey, Florence, AL 1885.

Brothers and sister: Alex, Henry, and Ella


Contributed by Rhuea M. (Patton) France

Married Henry Patton 

Born Lexington, AL, 1853; Died 1 Feb 1902, Florence, AL.


Children include: 
Ella, Alex, John Posey, and Henry.


Contributed by Patricia Hartley, Charles Peck and others

This photo of the three Peck Brothers from Center Star (Pecktown) is from the collection of Charles Peck of Killen. Pictured from left to right are John Samuel Peck, William (Wilhelm) M. "Billy" Peck and Franklin Carmack "Coon" Peck, sons of Freidrich and Renetta Lassmann Peck/Peche. Freidrich and Renetta immigrated from Mocker (now Mokre) village in Germany (now Poland) in 1854 on the ship Westphalia with Wilhelm and infant son Edward (who died during the voyage).  Franklin and John were born in Lauderdale County.


Contributed 11 Oct 1999 by Donna Risner

Solan (also spelled Solon)  was born 4/20/1863 in Tennessee.  In February 1875, Lewis Linville of Wayne County, TN willed Solon a mare and colt and $500. On February 15, 1885 Solon married Frances (Fannie) Elizabeth Phillips (maiden & married name) of Lauderdale County and this is where they set up housekeeping. Solan was a member of the Hill club and served on the Grand Jury in 1892. From 1895 until 1902, Solon had mortgage notes to M. D. Dox (480 acres - Simpson Place), C.A. Crow (400 acres), and Mrs. A. S. Collier (1000 acres - McGuire Plantation) for lands he was purchasing in the Oakland/Smithsonia area of Lauderdale County.  He had become a large landowner and had numerous families working for him and living on his property. Family rumors include Solan was Indian or Mexican, but there has been no proof either way.  Another story that is accepted as fact by family is that Solon was shooting rats in the barn and was struck by lightening.  He did not die at that time, but it is said he was not able to function after that.  Solan died 8/19/1902 at the young age of 39 years.  The Florence Times stated Solan, "well-known citizen of Reserve died Monday of Congestion."  

Solan's mother was Hester E. Phillips (maiden or married name?), born 8/20/1834 in either North or South Carolina.  I have not located any records of her marriage, but the 1880 Wayne Co., census states she was widowed. Solan was her only child.  Hester died 8/27/1900 and the Florence Times stated: "Mrs. Phillips, Mother of Solan Philips, died at her home near Oakland, Monday."

2024 by County Coordinator Patricia Bryant Hartley.

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