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Queries (2000)

From 1997 through 2008 site coordinator Pat Mahan transferred queries sent to the Lauderdale County Rootsweb email address to this ALGenWeb site.  We have included the names and email addresses for each of the submitters, althoughwe cannot guarantee that these addresses are still valid after all these years.  If you posted a query here and would like to update your contact information, please email us at


Date: 1 Jan 2000
From: John Baum
Am looking for any information on parents of Robert Evans HALE, born 1824 in Lauderdale Co., AL. Parents moved from Bedford Co., VA.. After living in Al, moved to Hardin Co., TN. Need names, b. dates please. P. Baum 


Date: 2 Jan 2000
Searching for info on Littleberry/Berry ODOM family 1850 census, thereafter Tishomingo Co and Hardin Co.  Also Mills and Mary Ann Odom ROBERTSON of  Lauderdale and Henry and Diana Odom ROBERTSON of same


Date: 3 Jan 2000
From: Willanna Griffin
This is a needle in a haystack. Am hoping to find information about Nancy Frances YOUNG, born 1867 in Lauderdale Co., Alabama. She moved to Texas about 1887 with her daughter Ada Lou Young and an Uncle Dave.  I do not know if YOUNG is Nancy's maiden name or married name, or if "Uncle Dave's" last name is YOUNG.  If anyone has any possible links, would love to hear from you.

Date: 8 Jan 2000
From: Karen Duncan Sedlecky 
I am looking for any information on the family of Charles & Mary (ALEXANDER) CAMPBELL.   
Charles CAMPBELL  b. abt. 1759  d.  August 21, 1843 married:  Mary ALEXANDER   1785  Augusta Co., VA
By 1820, Charles & Mary (ALEXANDER) CAMPBELL were living in Lauderdale County, AL.   I need a list of children.  Also interested in knowing if grandsons:   William & Hugh were living with Charles & Mary.   Thank you,     Karen


Date: 12 Jan 2000
From: Raymond C. Leonard
Seeking descendants of Willis BRYANT (1873-?) and his wife, Sallie Gervin BRYANT (1874-?), African Americans who resided in Florence, Lauderdale County, Alabama, between 1895-1920. They had two daughters, Julia BRYANT (1896-?) and Lizzie BRYANT (1904-?). Sallie's mother, Ann GERVIN lived in Handy's Alley in Florence in 1900. I am related to Willis BRYANT. Please reply to

Date: 12 Jan 2000
From: Raymond C. Leonard
Seeking descendants of Priscilla Bryant THOMAS (1869-?) and her husband Henry THOMAS, African Americans who resided in Lauderdale County, Alabama in 1900. I am related. Please reply to


Date: 12 Jan 2000
From: Raymond C. Leonard
Seeking descendants of Leslie BRYANT (1867-?), Matilda BRYANT (1871-?), John BRYANT (1875 -?) and Peter BRYANT (1878-?), African Americans who resided in Lauderdale County, Alabama between 1867 - 1920. I am related. Please reply to

Date: 12 Jan 2000
From: Ginny Ayers Spann 
Need census results for Lauderdale Co., AL 1830 & 1840 - - -seeking, David Reasons LOONEY, wife Mary & son James. James was born 1836 in Lauderdale Co., David in 1799 in TN & Mary in TN.  Any help w/be appreciated.
Ginny Ayers Spann  
Houston, TX USA
Researching:  Ayers, Byrom, Green, Fowler, Kyle, Looney & Seabolt

Date: 13 Jan 2000
From: Levi Weir <>
I am looking for information on Leonard Lindsey WEIR, b.1818 in Tn (place unknown), married Susan F. YOUNG, b 10/22/1824 in Lauderdale Co, married on 6/27/1844 at Florence. I believe she was from around Waterloo. They moved to Limestone Co. and died there, near Elk River. They had a relative, a Ms. Mary WRIGHT from Lauderdale Co., who left them some land in trust for her and their children. I do know the land near Waterloo, and was covered up by TVA in later years.
Leonard and Susan were my GG Grandparents, and that is as far back as I can go. I would like to know who there parents were. Leonard was born somewhere in TN, and when he was very small, his Father (Name unknown) brought hin to Lauderdale Co, we believe near Waterloo, and left him with with someone to raise him. Then his Father took off for parts unknown. We do know that several years later Leonard received a letter from his Father from some where in TX, wanting to come see him. Leonard refused to contact his Father, saying "He is old and probably wanting someone to take care of him, but he would not take care of me when I needed him, so I won't take care of him." Then Leonard threw the letter in the fireplace and no one knew where in TX  his Father was, nor his name. Leonard never spoke of his Father to his family. I suppose his mother died, and his Father couldn't take care of him by himself and make a living, so he chose to let someone else raise him, which was not uncommon. Any information will be greatly appreciated, and if anyone wants Leonard and Susan's family decendents, please contact me


Date: 14 Jan 2000
From: Vincent V. Salomonson <>
Solomon GRIFFITH married Jane RANSOM on 20 Mar 1829 by a JP , page 85 in Lauderdale Co. This is my gr. gr. grandfather and I'm trying to find information on them.  Their first born was probably born in MS.  in 1831. Perhaps they moved with other family remembers as I can't locate them. Solomon is found in Clarke Co, MS in 1853.  If any one has information on either family, please email me. 
Thanks, Peggy 

Date: Mon, 17 Jan 2000
From: "ziggy97" 
Searching for information on Payton (Peyton) WILLIAMS. He married Ruth Jane BURNES 25 DEC 1869, then Elizabeth MINTON. Both in Lauderdale County. His father was Greenberry WILLIAMS. Any info would be grateful. 


Date: 18 Jan 2000
I am searching for any information on HOPKINS families found in Lauderdale Co., Al. I find the following: 
Hopkins listed1850: Sarah HOPKINS. 
Hopkins found 1900 census: Columbus N. HOPKINS, Henry HOPKINS, Dee HOPKINS, James D. HOPKINS, Jones C. HOPKINS, John HOPKINS, and Tom HOPKINS. 
If you have any information on these or any other HOPKINS in Lauderdale or surrounding counties, please respond. I am desperately trying to find information or a link to my great-grandfather, William S. HOPKINS, born about 1861. I do not know who his parents were or any names of siblings. I need your help. I will appreciate any responses. Thank you.


Date: 23 Jan 2000
George WHITE, Revolutionary soldier, died in lauderdale County AL 1834/6. He also lived in KY and TN. Who were his children? Thank you. Hazel

Date: 2 Feb 2000
Seeking information regarding Daniel Richmond WRIGHT who was born in 1820 in Sumner County, TN.  His parents were;  William Richmond WRIGHT of NC and TN and Elizabeth Mosley SANDERSON of VA.  Daniel settled in or near Lauderdale Co., AL shortly after 1840.  He owned a large plantation.   His wife's name is believed to be Mary.  We have a lot of information regarding his parents and siblings and their descendants, but have lost track of Daniel and his family.   If any of these names sound familiar to your families, we would love to share info and find Daniel's family.     Pam Davis Klein

Date: 2 Feb 2000
From: John Baum
Am researching Robert Evans HALE born 1824 in Lauderdale Co, AL. Parents (names?) had moved there from Bedford Co., VA. Robert E. was 3rd son. This is all I know. If you have any info on this man prior to 1844, please contact me. Thanks!  P. Baum

Date: 5 Feb 2000
From: Gary Matthews
Looking for ANY info on as to the parents of Hardy MATTHEWS who married Nancy THOMPSON in Lauderdale Co., in 1827 and lived near Waterloo.  He is listed in the Laud Co Censuses of 1830, 1840 & 1850.  In 1830 there is a 40-50 year old woman listed in Hardy's (then age 30) who is not present in the 1840 Census and may have been Hardy's widowed mother.  I also have documents showing that Hardy received a grant of 40 acres of land in 1838 which was situated in Sec. 24, T. 1, R. 15-W.  The 1850 Ag' Census lists him has having some 80 acres.   Someone recently was kind enough to look up land records for me but found no evidence of the second 40 acres.  Could it have been left to him by his father? Any help would be appreciated -- I'll even pay a professional researcher if someone could point me to him/her. Please respond to me at    Thanx in advance,   Gary Matthews

Date: 6 Feb 2000
From: dgallen
I am searching for information about my great-great grandparents, Serena FISHER POWELL and Andrew Kelso POWELL.  They were married in 1838 in Lauderdale County, AL.  I will greatly appreciate any information anyone can give me.  DG Allen

Date: 7 Feb 2000
From: Barb Allison 
Looking for information on Elijah SMITH and his wife Elizabeth "Bettie" Clanton (?). Elijah was born in 1811 in VA and came to ALA between 1845-1848.  This is determined by the birth dates of his children......... Their children:  John Evans, Marthey Ann, Margaret Edna (she married Martin Harrison),  Mathew, Nathan, Robert Henry, William A., Benjamin Franklin, David Cranston.        Barb Allison

Date: 14 Feb 2000
From: Ehandley
I am in search of the father & mother of  Rebecca LAFAN, b. 1818 probably Tenn. md. 1st husband Sanders HAMM, in Lauderdale Co., June 04, 1832. Children: Thomas A., Anna, James and  John HAMM. Rebecca 2nd husband was Charles A. LAWSON, md. Nov 24 1844 in Lauderdale Co. One child that I know of Margaret, b. 1846. md. William Henry Clay GOOCH, in Lauderdale Co., 1863. Thanks

Date: 14 Feb 2000
From: Ehandley
I am in search of the father & mother of Margaret Peggy CARR, b. 1798, probably NC. md. James Ivey LAWSON, b. 1798. md. in Jasper Co., GA. 1817. Moved to Lauderdale Co., Children: John Milton,  Nancee N.,   James Washington,  James Riley, Charles A.,  Andrew Jackson,  Ivy Martin,  Temperance Alice,  Jasper,  Elizabeth and Newton LAWSON. Thanks


Date: 17 Feb 2000
From: sherry diane cooper 
I am looking for information about MEFFORDs   in Lauderdale Co; specifically, Luther Calvin MEFFORD who is listed in 1900 Lauderdale Co Census on page 190A.  He was married to Idell ESTES in 1902 and he died sometime before 1910.  I know they had one daughter, Ola Bell MEFFORD who was born @ 1906.  Any info will be appreciated.

Date: 20 Feb 2000
From: Kenneth Scott
looking for birthplace,  parents and brothers and sisters of John SCOTT b 1800 n.c. married Mary CARSON about 1823 lived in waterloo al. and is buried on bumpus creek. gave the land for scott cemetary. have info on his children . he died 1884 in1844 married a Harriet THOMPSON a widow she was a LANDCASTER.? and any connection to Rev. James SCOTT d 1842 also James Barlett SCOTT marshekk co. tenn. 

Date: 21 Feb 2000
From: Barbara Hayes
I am looking for BURCHAM from that area and I was told there is a "Burcham Valley" there. I am trying to find Jack BURCHAM and any of his people.I do know he was part Native American and I am very interested in knowing what tribe he was from and his parents and how much indian blood he had in him. I was told both 1/2 and 1/4. Jack was my gg grandpa. please e-mail me with any info on the Burcham family from there.   Thanks    Barbara Wood Hayes at

Date: 25 Feb 2000
im looking for any of these family lines
1860 Civil War Census Records

MURPHY, Mathew    47    farming    SC
                Ann    45    f    SC
                Henry    17    m    Ala
                John    14    m    Ala
                William    12    m    Ala
                Pinkney    10    m    Ala
                George    8    m    Ala
                Elisabeth    6    f    Ala
                Wiley    3    m    Ala
Also have the 1970 Census

MURPHY Madison    60    m    w    SC

                 Anna    52    f    w    kp.hou., SC

                 Bettie    14    f    w    Ala
                 George    16    m    w    Ala
                 Wiley    12    m    w    Ala
                 Wm    22    m    w    Farms, Ala
Wiley is my gggrandad m Mattie A BURNS 1891 2nd wife
1st wife was Billie BEVERS m 1880
thank you lori ann

Date: 8 Mar 2000
From: Gloria Littrell
Looking for parents of Fieldon-Fielding LITTRELL -LITERAL on Lauderdale co. 1850 fed. census, and need bro. and sis. Fieldings wife Lousia, need maiden name or any info. They moved to Arkansas about 1853. Fielding b. 1799 ky? d. in ar. ?   Gloria LIttrell  e-mail 

Date: 17 Mar 2000
Looking for information on the family of Robert Duncan b. 4/13/1860  d. November 10, 1936, son of George Washington Duncan. I show Robert married twice:  1) Johnnie Farrie ?    2) Carrie Potts 
I would like a list of the children from both marriages if anyone can help.    Thank you, Karen

Date: 17 Mar 2000
Seeking names of both TOMPKINS & HYDE in Lauderdale County from 1830 - 1870. 
Although interested in all families of both surnames, I am especially interested in any information on the following:
William Weeden TOMPKINS & family
Henry HYDE & family   Thank you, Karen

Date: 17 Mar 2000
Looking for the name of the wife and children of Duncan E. JOHNSON  b. 1876 d. 1956 son of John C. JOHNSON & Sally Duncan JOHNSON.  I only know of one child:  Duncan E. JOHNSON Jr.  Anything anyone can add to this family line would be appreciated.    Thank you, Karen

Date: 18 Mar 2000
From: Angie Cox 
Looking for information regarding Lucinda Catharine BECKHAM. She married William Jackson WEBB Aug 11, 1847 in Lauderdale Co. Al. If you have any information regarding the BECKHAM or WEBB families please email me.


Date: 20 Mar 2000
From: Jeff L. Bott
I am looking for information on the family listed below. Anne Parel McMURRY married William SIMIONS.  SIMIONS may be SIMMONS?  Please e-mail if you know anything about this family.   Thanks.  Jeff L. Bott

Name:  William SIMIONS
Birth, etc., unknown
Spouse: Anne Parel McMURRY
Birth: Apr 26, 1843 Place: Lauderdale County, Alabama
Death: Jul 10, 1909 Place: .................................
Father: William Morris McMURRY (1808-1876)
Mother: Sarah "Sallie" WALLACE (1817-1896)

Date: 27 Mar 2000
I am interested in this family.  I am especially interested in John Chapman THRASHER.  Happy to trade information.    Edie
1 William Bishop Lamar THRASHER
 Birth:  25 May 1798, MD1
 Death:  26 Jan 1883
 Father: Elias THRASHER Sr. (1767-ca1823)
 Mother: Sarah LAMAR (1770-1851)
 Spouse: Rachel HOLTHOUSER
 Birth:  17 Feb 1805, TN1
 Death:  26 Dec 1883
 Marr:   3 Sep 1822, Florence, Lauderdale County, AL1
 Children:   Elias (1823-1900)
     Thomas (1825-)
     Emily (1827-1854)
     John Hall (1829-1835)
     Sarah Malissa (1831-)
     William Henson (1833-1879)
     James C. (1837-)
     Michael L. (1840-)
     Pugh Houston (1843-)
     John Chapman (1845-1915)
 1.1 Elias THRASHER
 Birth:  21 Jun 18231
 Death:  12 Aug 19001
 Spouse: Henrietta FARMER
 Children:   B. F.
     William B.
 1.2 Thomas THRASHER
 Birth:  6 Jul 1825
 1.3 Emily THRASHER
 Birth:  18271
 Death:  24 Jan 18541
 Spouse: Chapman HOUGH
 Marr:   22 Dec 1852, Florence, Lauderdale County, AL1
 1.4 John Hall THRASHER
 Birth:  3 Nov 1829
 Death:  8 Mar 1835
 1.5 Sarah Malissa THRASHER
 Birth:  5 Mar 1831, AL1
 1.6 William Henson THRASHER
 Birth:  26 Aug 1833
 Death:  3 Jul 1879
 1.7 James C. THRASHER
 Birth:  27 Oct 1837
 1.8 Michael L. THRASHER
 Birth:  16 Oct 1840
 1.9 Pugh Houston THRASHER
 Birth:  3 Dec 18431
 1.10 John Chapman THRASHER
 Birth:  29 Aug 1845, Jacksonburg, Lauderdale County, AL1
 Death:  16 Jun 19151
 Burial: Stony Point Cemetery, Lauderdale County, AL1
 Spouse: Caroline Eugenia "Callie" POTTERFIELD
 Birth:  13 Oct 1844, Loudoun County, VA2
 Death:  24 Aug 1932, Florence, Lauderdale County, AL1
 Father: Jacob POTTERFIELD (1815-1899)
 Mother: Sarah Ann Rebecca JOHNSON (1818-1901)
 Marr:   15 Dec 1880, Florence, Lauderdale County, AL1
 Children:   Sumter Frierson (1881-1964)
     Claude Chapman (1883-1955)
     Emmett Eugene (1885-)
     Inez Rebecca (1889-1975)
 1. Information provided by Emmitt B. Thrasher, Trussville, AL.
 2. DAR application of Maude Carpenter Grace which includes birth and death  information from the Potterfield family Bible (1954).  
 Edith O. Eader
 394 Prospect Blvd.
 Frederick, MD 21701

Date: 29 Mar 2000
From: Marla Moore 
Looking for information on James KIRKPATRICK, b. abt. 1805 in South Carolina, possibly Georgia.  He married Polly "Mary" DAVIS, November 13, 1831 in Lauderdale County. They had two children in Alabama, then they moved to Pope County, Illinois about 1840, where six more children were born.        Marla Moore (from Colorado)

Date: 2 Apr 2000
I am looking for information on Edwin Gray HENDRIX, son of Samuel HENDRIX of Lauderdale County AL.  He married Jane JAMES in about 1856 in Lauderdale County.  He died in about 1900 in Fannin County TX.  Also searching for info on WRIGHT,  ASKEW,  RHOADES families of Lauderdale County.

Date: 6 Apr 2000
From: Kate Robertson 
Ancestors from Anderson, Ala include William ROBERTSON born about 1820, married Mary Elizabeth MURPHY; had at least one son, Joseph Monroe ROBERTSON, born 1 May 1847 Anderson, Ala and married Lomana Penelope WISDOM from Hokes Bluff, Ala about 1868.    Thanks,   Kate Robertson

Date: 6 Apr 2000
From: Kathy Varner
I am researching Lewis WRIGHT , (my 4ggrand) born 1772 in Ogelthorpe Co. Ga. Married Sarah WILMATH 1802 in Ga.  Their children, born in GA., are John G. born June 19, 1804, Levina  born Nov 4 1805. Drucilla born May 25 1807, Wiley (my 3ggrand) born July 18, 1808, and William born July 24, 1813.  Wiley was first married to Betsey in 1832 and then Mary "Polly" in 1849. Wiley and Mary lived in Lauderdale Co. after 1860. If this information fits your line I am very interested in hearing from you.      Thanks Melba Wright Varner - Texas connection

Date: 8 Apr 2000
I would like to make contact with anyone who has further information or is descended from the following couple who married in Lauderdale Co., AL and lived in Tishomingo Co. MS.  Their descendants later moved to Dallas, TX.    Please email Sharon at if you can help.  Thank you!

1. Hardin PIGG, b. in Tishomingo Co., MS.  Married to Matilda Love FLATT Apr 23, 1847 in Lauderdale Co., AL.  Matilda was b. Mar 1815 in McNairy Co., TN.  She d. 18 Jun 1880 in Booneville, Prentiss Co., MS and was buried in Old Freewill Cemetery, Altitude, Prentiss Co., MS. Children of Hardin PIGG and Matilda Love FLATT:
     2. George PIGG b. 1847 in Tishomingo Co., MS
     3. Daniel PIGG b. 1848 in Corinth, Tishomingo Co., MS
     4.  Sarah Ann PIGG b. Dec 1849 in Corinth, Tishomingo Co., TN. Died in TX. Sarah Ann PIGG m. B. E. FLANAGIN on 30 Dec 1866 in Tishomingo Co., MS. 
          Children of Sarah Ann PIGG and B. E. FLANAGIN:
            5. Mary Jane FLANAGIN b. 1868 Tishomingo Co., MS; d. 14 Feb 1902
            6. William Edward FLANAGIN b. 1870 Tishomingo Co., MS.  Married  Josephine GABLE b. 10 Mar 1877 Blount Co., AL.                  William Edward FLANAGIN and Josephine GABLE had the following children:
                Edna Claud FLANAGIN  b. 16 Jun 1909 Dallas, Dallas Co., TX
                Josie Maud FLANAGIN  b. 16 Jun 1909 Dallas, Dallas Co., TX
                Billie Roy FLANAGIN  b. 19 Jun 1914 Dallas, Dallas Co., TX
                Willie May FLANAGIN  b. 19 Jun 1914 Dallas, Dallas Co., TX
            7. Green T. FLANAGIN  b. 1872 Tishomingo Co., MS
            8.  Andrew J. FLANAGIN  b. 1875 Tishomingo Co., MS. Married Emma 
                 Lee DYER  b. 2 Feb 1880 in MS.  Andrew J. FLANAGIN and Emma Lee
                 DYER had the following children:
                 Lillie May FLANAGIN  b. 17 Aug 1897 in Kaufman, TX
                 Mary Beulah FLANAGIN  b. 3 Oct 1899 in Ellis, TX
            9.  Mollie FLANAGIN

Date: 8 Apr 2000
From: Ken Cunningham
I am searching for information Hance CUNNINGHAM and his son Jessie James CUNNINGHAM  who were in Lauderdale from abt 1820 until about 1860 when Jesse James CUNNINGHAM moved to Mississippi. Hance is believed to have been sherriff at one time and died abt 1828-29. Jesse is believed to have Married Mary C. HURLEY abt. 1842. I believe Jesse lived in Moulton in 1840. Any information you can give me will be most appreaciated,   Ken.

Date: 9 Apr 2000
From: Linda McCain Stansell
Need parents and family information for Mary BUIE b abt 1803 in NC; married James HOOD in Lauderdale Co Al in 1822 or 1823. James was a son of Matthew and Mary HOOD of Lancaster Co SC. Children born to James HOOD and Mary BUIE were John Robert, Daniel B, Talitha Cumi, Isabella, Sarah, Matthew and James Washington HOOD. After their move to Hardeman Co TN, the family added children Gilford P, Margaret Elizabeth, Samuel H and Hugh Nelson HOOD. When the War Between the States began, the family moved to Williamson/Johnson Co IL area because they did not believe in secession.    Mary's name is sometimes spelled Bowie.


Date: 11 Apr 2000
3 generations, that lived in
Lauderdale 1831. 1880 my grandfather moved to AR. My g grandfather died in Lauderdale 1878.
         Hiram HILL b. 1774
  His children:
      James HILL  b. 1798 Moore Co. NC d. 1878 Lauderdale Co. AL
         Hiram  HILL b 1820 Moore, CO... NC
        Alfred Green HILL  b 1825 Moore Co. NC
        William H. HILL b. 1827 Moore Co. NC
        Archibald HILL b 1829 Moore Co. NC
        Sarahbeth HILL King b 1832 Lauderdale
        Martha A. HILL  McGEE b. 1834 Lauderdale
        Susan HILL LILES  b. 1838 Lauderdale
        Nancy Bess HILL STUTTS 1841 Lauderdale
        Jacob HILL  b. 1838 Lauderdale Co. AL
I am looking for any info about James HILL, and his sons Jacob HILL and
William H.  HILL. Any info will be appreciated.     Gen Ellis

Date: 15 April 2000
From: Lynna Kay Shuffield <>
Looking for information on the family of John McGEE (b. 8 Nov 1819 - d. 14 May 1883, Milam Co., TX) who supposedly married Nancy Leonah (Lena) Williams (b. 25 Apr 1820 - d. 8 Jan 1893, Milam Co., TX). John McGEE appears on the 1860 Federal Census in Lauderdale Co., AL. Their children (the ones I know of) are: Sletha Jane (Selithia) McGEE (b. 8 Apr 1852) and Seludia Ann McGEE (b. 4 Nov 1856). There might be more children.
Lynna Kay Shuffield
P. O. Box 16604
Houston, Texas 77222
    telephone: 713/692-4511

DATE:    15, April 2000
From:  Gail Peterson
Am looking for any information on parents of Andrew Jefferson Forrest BEVIS (nickname Bay), dob July 22, 1860, it is believed in Lauderdale Co. married to Rebecca Isabel GILLIS, May 5, 1878.  They moved to TN about 1879, he was a farmer. Any information would be appreciated.  Thank you.

Date: 15 April 2000
From: Linda  Martin <>
CURTIS, John W. born 15 Oct 1823 in Tennessee. Married Susanna MUSE, 2 July 1846, in Tennessee. John died 6 Apr 1906 Lauderdale County, AL.  He's buried in the North Carolina Cemetery, formerly Union Grove, Lauderdale County AL.


Date: 19 April 2000
Looking for Robert and Nancy Hayes BROWN  married April 1820 in Lauderdale Co    Moved up to Fayette Co, Tenn in 1827...

Date: 23 April 2000
From: talleyr
I am looking for any information  about James TALLEY or Mary WEBB.  They were married in Lauderdale County in 1893


Date: 27 April 2000 
From: Kaye Sass 
Looking for descendents of Jane COOPER who married James FOSTER in Lauderdale CO AL.  I just found the name today and am interested in filling in my new found family.   Kaye in FL


Date: 28 April 2000
From: <>
I am looking for any information on H. INGRAM. One son was Julius E. INGRAM, born 1873.          thank you, Kate 

Date 5 May 2000
Hardy MATTHEWS married Nancy THOMPSON 27 August 1827, Lauderdale County, Alabama.  I am looking for information on the parents of Hardy and the parents of Nancy and information on the birth dates and places of Hardy and Nancy and any other relevant information on their family.  I am willing to share all information I have on descendants of Hardy and Nancy.  Any help will be appreciated.

Date: 2 Mar 2000
Josephine Briscoe STEWART   b. 21/June/1845  d. 25/Jan/1909  (m. Norman Thomas McKAY ;Lauderdale) b.2/March/1839 d. ?/Feb/1915 
Josephine's siblings:
John W. STEWART b. 25/Nov/1829  d. Florence?
Charles D. STEWART b. 20//Dec/1832 d.29/April/1866 (color sergeant, 4th AL Regiment, carried Flag 1st battle of Manassas)
Ophelia Ann STEWART b.22?April 1835 d.29/Mar/?  m. John CUTLER
Viola Basset Florence STEWART  b. 7/Dec/1842 (Florence)  d.31/Dec/1865  
James Thomas STEWART  b. 15/Feb/1849 (Florence) d.?  m. Cora BROWN 14/Oct/1885 (Florence)
Andrew Jackson STEWART  b. 27/Aug/1851(Florence) d.11/Sept/1918 m1. Sophronia RAGSDALE (Florence) m2.Mrs. SALEE


Date: 13 May 2000
From: M. Rayburn <>
Hello Fellow RAYBURN researchers! I have not posted in a while so here goes. This is the story of my Rayburns from Lauderdale Co, Al. and Wayne Co, TN. If you see anything that looks familiar, feel free to write.

My Great Grandfather was Samuel Mack RAYBURN (b. 6/23/1857). I have found him in the 1880 Alabama census living in Lauderdale county. This same census has Howell Jackson RAYBURN and a Richard RAYBURN living close by. The theory I am working on is one proposed by Henry Kubin, that Samuel Mack may be the youngest son of Howell Jackson RAYBURN and Savilla Hargett RAYBURN.

I did obtain Samuel Mack's marriage license to Sarah L. MINTON. They were married in Lauderdale County on Jan. 7, 1880 at Sarahs fathers' house ("Mr. Minton"). The minister was A. W. GILBERT. Witnessing the wedding was a J. W. McLAIN.

Samuel Mack RAYBURN and wife Sarah had three children. William J., James Edward and Sally W. After the birth of my great uncle William J. RAYBURN in 1883, Samuel M. and Sarah moved to Wayne County, TN. There my grandfather, James Edward (1886) and his sister Sally W. (1889) were born. They all show up on the 1900 census in the 4th beat of Wayne, Co. The spelling of Sam is real bad. It came out Rayburn, On Aik (On = Sam and Aik = Mack) I must presume that the family member giving the information had a very bad lisp or the census taker very bad hearing.

In 1910 S. M. RAYBURN shows again with wife Sally (Sarah) along with my grandfather James E. who by then married Nancy KELLEY. 1920 census again shows RAYBORN Mach S. and wife Sallie L. Also RAYBURN Ed (James E.) along with wife Nancy and six of my aunts.

Sometime around 1928/9 Nancy passed away and James married Mable LOGAN, my grandmother. They then moved back to Florence, AL. There my father and his brothers and sisters were born. Samuel Mack and Sarah moved back to AL with them. My father recalls Sam passing abt. 1935 and Sarah abt. 1940.  

Date: 4 Jun 2000
I am searching for information on Jane HARRIS born 26 May 1815 in Dublin, Ireland.  Jane was married to James H. WITHERSPOON in Jan 1838.  She died 22 Jan 1875 in Waterloo, Lauderdale Co., AL.  I know that James WITHERSPOON was well known in Lauderdale Co., AL from the 1850s until his death in May 1883.  Can anyone tell me who Jane's parents were, where she and James were married, or any information concerning this WITHERSPOON family, especially Jane HARRIS?  Any help appreciated.
Jean Kennedy 

Date: 4 Jun 2000
Searching for the parents of Wiley T. HAWKINS born in VA about 1808.  Wiley married Mary Ann MITCHELL, dau of Robert and Mary "Polly" COLLIER MITCHELL, in Nov 1830 in Lauderdale Co., AL.  Wiley was a Probate Judge in Lauderdale Co. until his death in Sep 1862.  I have extensive info from about 1830 forward, but would appreciate any help with early information on the HAWKINS family.  Jean Kennedy 

Date: 12 Jun 2000
MCVAY,  I am looking for info on Sidney Albert MCVAY, he was born in 1884 and died in 1937.  His first wife was Nancy Lewella(sp?) PARSONS or WILSON.  They had several children, one being Sidney Earl, another Carl T. who was born in 1909 around Florence-Sheffield, Alabama.  He later  moved to McNairy Co, TN and married Eula McCANN.  Thanks.


Date: 14 Jun 2000
From: Ron & Sue Frederick
I am looking for CANTERBERRY family who was supposed to be in Lauderdale county in mid-1800's.  I found CANTERBERRY today (online) in an 1850 census index- the referral number is 342B.
I would appreciate it if someone could look that up for me.  My greatgreatgrandfather was born in Florence in 1830 or 31- his name was J. P. CANTERBERRY. There is A. CANTERBERRY in 1840 census with a male child age 5-10 - it is sometimes spelled CANTERBURY. 
Sue in Oklahoma


Date: 14 Jun 2000
I am looking for information about the Monroe ALLEN listed on p. 241A of the 1900 Lauderdale Co. Census index.  Does anyone know who his family members were?  I think he may be my gg grandfather.  I haven't been able to find a copy of the 1900 census online, only the index.  Any further  information would be deeply appreciated.
GD Ganey

Date: 18 Jun 2000
Looking for William NEELEY that lived in Lauderdale county around the time 1875- 1913. Son listed as William Lee NEELEY Jr.born July 1913.Possible wife,  I don't know much about the family. I am a descendant of William 'Lee' NEELEY Jr. Please contact me if you recognize this family. Teresa Maderer

Date: 22 Jun 2000
From: Carpenter, Jan 
I'm trying to locate Augustus HARRELL and wife Susan HICKS / HECK HARRELL who moved from TN to AL about 1840.  There is an Augustus HARWELL age 37 and wife Susanna age 28, both born in TN, found in the 1850 Lauderdale County census.  There children are listed as follows - James - 9, Martha - 6, Eliz - 5, Rebecca - 3, & Henry - 3/12.  I wonder if the baby (Henry) could possibly be my GG Grandfather.  My GG Grandfather's name was Drue Hamilton HARRELL - born Jun 9, 1850 in AL.  He went by the name Ham (which could have been transcribed as Henry???).  The census was taken in November, 1850 - which would make Ham 5 months old - but I wonder if a 5 was mistaken for a 3 when the census was being transcribed?  The next time I find him, he appears in the 1870 Claiborne County TN census living with his uncle (I believe) Drury Peter HARRELL Jr. and is listed as being born in AL.  Gus was Drury Peter's brother and he and his wife Susan moved to AL in about 1840.  Gus was supposedly killed (stabbed) on a river boat before 1860.  Does anybody have any information on this family?  Thanks   Jan Carpenter

Date: 30 Jun 2000
From:  Cissy Estes
I'm looking for information on my gggrandfather John Caswell PRICE.b.1Mar1825 in Lauderdale Co.  on 30Nov1849 in Lauderdale Co. he married Mary Ann "Polly" ADAMS b.27Mar1836 in Lauderdale Co. He served in the 27th Inf during Civil War. He owned land in the Waterloo area in Range 14. The following children were born to Caswell & Polly: 
Martha Elizabeth b.17Jul 1852
David Martin b. 10 Jul 1854
Rachel Ann b. 24 Aug 1856
John Calvin b. 14 Oct 1858
Margrid b. 16 Feb 1861
Josiah Madison (my ggrandpa) b.16 Aug 1862
Kissia Matilly b. 5 Jul 1864
Sarah Tennessee b. 2 Dec 1866
James Milton b. 2 Aug 1868
Mary Elizabeth abt 1870
Lizzie b. abt1872
Polly died about this time and Caswell remarried a Jane?? from TN and had Callie Goldie abt 1879.  I would appreciate any information on Caswell's parents and 2nd wife Jane??.  I think that the widow Rachel in the 1850 Lauderdale census is his mother. need to know the husband of the widow Rachel. 


Date: 2 Jul 2000
I am interested in any and all information I can get concerning THE ATLAS CHURCH in Lauderdale County, AL. The church is located north of Killen on County Road 25. It is less than a mile south of the Hill Family Cemetery. I have the information in the books written by W. L. McDonald, William Q. Hill and Jill Knight Garrett. 
Is the church still active? When was it established? Who were the ministers?
As you can see I would like any information on the church or anyone that I may contact for this information.     Jerry Webb

Date: 3 Jul 2000
From: duane mills <>
I am looking for information on Ralph SHELTON Jr., son of Ralph SHELTON and Anna TAYLOR of Grainger and Claiborne Co. TN. who died at Waterloo, Lauderdale Co. abt. 1862.
Ralph Jr. was born abt. Aug. 1829 in Claiborne Co. TN.  He married Frances Cheatum OWENS abt. 1851 and they supposedly had children William Hezekiah, David Jefferson, Samuel Azeriah and Lucinda.
Ralph SHELTON Jr. is reported to have died at Waterloo, Lauderdale Co. AL in Aug 29 1862.  I have no idea when or why  he moved from TN to AL.
It is  not clear if he was killed in the Civil War or died in an accident or was killed some other way.  He would have been abt. 33 years old. His widow and children seemed to have moved to Webster Co. MO. They are buried in Mountain Dale Cemetery, Webster County, Missouri. The tombstones read:
Frances Owen SHELTON, mother of S. A. SHELTON, 25 Nov 1827-9 August 1889;
William Hezekiah SHELTON 27 Aug 1854-14 May 1890;
David Jefferson SHELTON 23 Sept 1860 - 24 May 1890;
Lucinda Shelton CRAIG 4 March 1862-15 Sept 1894;
I am not sure what happened to Samuel Azeriah, but two of his children who died early are buried in the same plot:
A, M. SHELTON son of S. A. and J. 10 Jul 1883-10 Dec 1888;
M. D. SHELTON, son of S. A. and J. 18 Dec 1884-20 Aug 1886
I would be glad to trade info on Ralph Jr. and his siblings and
ancestors if anyone is interested or has knowledge of him.
Regards,     Duane Mills      Stavanger, Norway

Date: 3 Jul 2000
From: Troy W. Rogers  
I am looking for the descendants/family members of the following family:
Benjamin F. CROSS (b. ~1800, d. before 1850) married to Martha WILSON (bb. in SC ~1805) and farmed in the Township 2, Range 10 W area of Lauderdale County between 1830 - 1870. Their children were:
Campbell W. (Wilson?) CROSS, b 1824, married Sarah A. E. (?) BALL in 1841 in Lawrence Co TN, and/or married Sarah Jane GOOCH in 1849 in TN
Shadrack Epperson CROSS, b 1823, married Margaret T. SHELBURN in 1846, was a doctor in Lauderdale and Morgan counties, was a Civil War vet and graduate of the University of Louisville, KY in 1873.
Mary Jane CROSS, married Edmund TRUETT / TREWITT
Elmira T. CROSS, b 1832, married John F. ALEXANDER in 1851
Benjamin Franklin CROSS, b. 1834, d. 1895, married Emma G. JOHNSON in Morgan Co, was a Civil War vet, was Morgan County's Health Officer during the Yellow Fever Epidemics of 1878 and 1888, practiced medicine in Decatur, was a graduate of the University of Louisville, KY in 1857.
Martha F. CROSS, b ~1842

Date: 6 Jul 2000
From: Patt Carnevale <>
Would like to find paents of RUSSEAU brothers:  John C, Tom, White and Frank Believe John C the oldest born about 1880 in Waterloo, AL.

Date: 6 Jul 2000
From:  Dianne Erwin 
I am researching Hasel HARDWICK who was supposed to have died in ca. 1840 in Reunion, Lauderdale Co., AL.  He was born in 1767 in Chester Co., SC. 
Dianne Erwin
3810 Askins Lane 
Paris, TX 75462

Date: 10 Jul 2000
From: Bradley Chandler
Looking for info on Jessie GRIFFIN and Sarah BROOKS who were married in lauderdale county alabama june 19 1825. they are my gggrandparents. will exchange info on the Griffins. who were her parents?   Bradley Chandler 


Date: 15 Jul 2000
Looking for information on family of Lee Anna QUINN born in or around Florence, Lauderdale CO, AL, 09/01/1880.  Father:  unknown QUINN   Mother: Frances HILL, daughter of William Jefferson (Dodd) HILL and unknown THARP
Lee Anna later went to Lee CO, AR, where she married James Nathan PERRY,  March 20, 1898.
Lee Anna had 2 sisters:  one named Lee, the other unknown
Any information would be appreciated.

Date: 16 Jul 2000
From: Kaye Sass
What is the association between Turner Sylvester FOSTER, Thomas J FOSTER, James SIMPSON, and George Washington

FOSTER. On April 24, 1820 all parties signed and purchased from the US the approx 80 acres in the W 1/2 NW, Sec 15, Township 1S, Range 10W.  Were Thomas, Turner S, and George Washington FOSTER  brothers or uncles and nephews.  Also how is James Simpson connected to them.  Business?   Thanks    Kaye 

Date: 24 Jul 2000
From: Terry Roberson
ROBERTSON, Mills and Olivia
Info needed on Mill's father Tirey Robertson.

Date: 25 Jul 2000
From: Paula Scales
I am looking for confirmation that the Elisha SHELTON appearing on the 1850 census for Lauderdale County is my g ggrandfather. Elisha Shelton 1838-1915  married Susan SPRINGER 1839-1917
Census Information:
George W. Shelton 34
Lucy 33
Robert 16
Sousan 14
Elisha 12
Jessee 10
Jasper 8
George 6
Charity 4
James 5/12
Also have marriage for a George W. SHELTON and Lucy HAMMONS 2-26-1834. Any help with this family would be appreciated.       Paula 

Date:  2 Aug 2000
From: Lee Hughes <>
I'm looking for anyone who may know anthing about John C. HUGHES who married Catherine STANFORD. They were living in Lauderdale Co. in 1860. Thanks.

Date: 2 Aug 2000
From: Patt <>
Looking for the RUSSEAU family of Waterloo    Late 1870's to 1900. Boys names are Frank, White, Tom and John C.    Several migrated to FL in early 1900's.   Any information on this family would be greatly appreciated.   Am doing this for John C's daughter who is in her late 80's and knows nothing of her father's family other than some brothers name.
Thanks in advance.
Patt in FL


Date: 4 Aug 2000
From: Becky Smith <>
I'm searching for the parents/siblings of my gg grandfather, Jasper Newton WHITEHEAD, who was born in AL in 1838, possibly in Lauderdale County.  He later moved to n.e. Mississippi, either with his family or alone as a young man.  He married in Tippah County, MS to Rebecca Jane VERNOR (1859).  I have information on him after moving to MS, but nothing before except his birth year.  Any help is greatly appreciated.  Happy to share info.  Thanks! Becky


Date: 6 Aug 2000
From: Milton Sledge
I'm looking for the graves of my great-grandfather Howell A. Sledge and also his father Sterling Sledge. I know they lived and died in Lauderdale the Elgin Crossroads area but no luck locating their graves. Sterling died in 1868 - Howell died in 1878. Any help you can give would be greatly appreciated. Thanks you.   Milton Sledge


Date: 7 Aug 2000
From: Nanci
I am looking for information on James (Allen) ETHERIDGE b.1822 or 1825 in Tennessee married Jane STRAWBRIDGE or STRAWBERRY 12-26-1844 in Henry Co. Tenn.  They moved from Tenn. to Lauderdale Co., Ala.  around 1857.  Their children's names are Mary A. b. 1844 9r 1846, John Thomas b. 1846 or 1847, Wiley or William Powell b. 8-2-1848, Sarah  b. 1853, Julia B., b.1857 and Amanda E. b. 1859.     Thanks,   Nanci

Date: 9 Aug 2000
From: Phil Shelton
Looking for the parents of Joshua William Shelton as listed in the 1850 Census.

Date: 16 Aug 2000
I am currently looking for ANY information on the Wallace family of
Lauderdale county, of particular interest is Calvin Everett or Everett
Calvin Wallace.  He met and married a Cora Rogers of Athens, AL and together they had three children Calvin Jr *1920, Horace Everett *1922 and Mary Alice *1925.  He left the family soon after and was rumored to have been killed in either Texas or California.  This is the only information I have on him except that his family originated from Lauderdale and that he may have had a brother named Frank and possibly a sister by the name of Lulu.  Any information would be greatly appreciated.  Thanks     Rebecca Wallace Harris

Date: 21 Aug 2000
From: Sue May Young
Thank you in advance for your help. I am searching for information on John Morgan MAY b.1852 d.1901 buried in Williams Chapel Cemetery near Waterloo, AL Married to Sarah SEGO b.1853 d.7/17/16 in Lauderdale Co. AL. She was the daughter of Simeon SEGO/SEAGO b.1811 in Chesterfield Twp, SC and of Sarah CHERRY b.1817 in Lauderdale Co.,AL.  I believe John Morgan to be my great-great grandfather. I will be happy to share any information with interested parties. Sue May Young

Date: 23 Aug 2000
I am looking for information on a Bailey Brooks who married a Johnson. The Johnson family lived in Florence,Alabama Lauderdale County. .Bailey married one of the Johnson girls and Nathan Davis also married one of them and the governor of Kentucky married one of them. .Bailey Brooks than moved to Columbia,Tenn where his children were born .Bailey then moved to Wayne County Tenn in 1840 and stayed there to 1851.In 1860 he was in Izard County Arkansas.
      Brian Brooks

Date: 25 Aug 2000
Looking for information on a J. B.  CROUSON/CROWSON who is married Martha Mandana WHITE she is the daughter of Philemon Bradford WHITE  anyone with info please e-mail me at thank you,Becky


Date: 27 Aug 2000
I am looking for the parents of my great-grandfather, Stephen Albert Smith.  He left Lauderdale County (Waterloo, probably) for Indian Territory (OK) in 1894.  He brought most of his children with him.  His daughter Ella stayed behind in Alabama with her husband, Lynn Beckham.  They had two children, Harold and Ola.  My grandfather, Weaver Harris Smith, was the only child born in Indian Territory.  Stephen Albert Smith was married to Fannie Cotton; they supposedly came to Oklahoma because she was Indian and wanted to claim land here.  No-one seems to know anything about Stephen Albert's parents--even his death certificate (information supplied by his oldest son) says that his father's and mother's names are unknown.

Date: 3 Sep 2000
I am looking for more information on a Bluford L. Griffin  b. 10-16-1889 in Lexington, Lauderdale co. AL  to Charles Anthony Griffin and Sarah Ada Ritter.   This is my husband's great-great grandfather.   Looking for any information anyone may have on the Griffins.  They crossed back and forth over the state line from Lauderdale co. to Lawrence co. Tn.   Help is much appreciated!        Joanne Griffin


Date: 5 Sep 2000
From: Kaye Sass
EZELL, Lemuel EZELL and  Martha COMER married in Lawrence Co TN.
Does any of my Lauderdale AL Ezell or Comer relatives know what happened to my ggg grandparents (when died/where buried/)?  They have disappeared and this ggg granddaughter would like to find out more about them so I can keep their memory alive.

Date: 10 Sep 2000
From: Michael L. Bowers
I have discovered an individual  in  the Lauderdale co. 1860 census that shares the same name as my ancestor, and am seeking info. that might link them.  She is Columbianna Fowler B. 1853 a twin with Columbus Fowler.  Their parents were Josiah and Mahulda Fowler.  Josiah later married a Lucretia.  My records show that Columbia Fowler ( Al 1840) married William Holland (Tn 1830)  in 1853 in Al. then came to Texas by 1860.  Does anyone have info on the Josiah Fowler family, and might be able to tie My Columbia Ann to them?
Vonita Bowers in Texas. 

Date: 11 Sep 2000
Seeking information on Elizabeth HOWARD, born @1805 in South Carolina; married Mark SHELTON @1825 in Lauderdale County, Alabama.  Mark Shelton died in Giles County, Tn. @1853.  Have received information Elizabeth HOWARD SHELTON remarried a man named Dave ROBISON in either Alabama or Tennessee and that this couple resided in Lauderdale County, Alabama.  Does anyone have information on this or what happened to Elizabeth after the death of husband Mark Shelton?  She was the mother of Sampson Shelton and Mary Ann Shelton and somehow related to the Stephen Howard - Lucyar Newton Howard family.     Martha Blackford

Date:20 Sep 2000
From: rosemarie cothran <>
I am searching for information about Daniel HILL, b.1856. He married in 1881 to Minnie WELLS, b.1867. Father: Willis HILL  Mother: Anna CONLEY. Any info will be appreciated. Thanks, Ree

Date: 4 Oct 2000
From: <>
Still looking for Griffins in Lauderdale county.   So far the family tree looks like this:
1.  Charles Anthony Griffin - Sara Ida Ritter
    2.  Bluford L. Griffin - Mettie Jane Michaels
        b. 1889 in  Lauderdale co.
        3.  Willie (William?) Carl Griffin - Mary Irene Urban
            b. 1912 I believe Lauderdale co
            4. Daniel Layfette Griffin - Lillias Ann (private)
                b. Loretto, Lawrence co. TN
                5.  Dennis Daniel Griffin - Joanne M. Barber
Now I am looking for more info on Charles Anthony Griffin  1900 Census shows a Charles A. Griffin in Lauderdale living right next to a Bluford A. Griffin. Wonder if Bluford A is Charles father as they live near each other and Charles A. named his son Bluford.  Looking for something to tie them together.   Also,  US Land record show an Anthony Griffin purchasing about 140 acres of land in 1837 in Lauderdale, near Lexington and purchasing another 40 in 1852 and another almost 300 in 1858.  I wonder if he can be tied into this same family since there is a similarity in names.   Would appreciate any info anyone can share on this family.   I also wonder if the Bluford Griffin that was apparently married 5 times and lived in both Lauderdale and Lawrence co, TN is a relation to this family.  I am hoping someone can help me figure out this family tree for my husband.   Thank you,  Joanne Griffin

Date: 7 Oct 2000
From: sherry rymer
JOHN THOMPSON and his wife Martha J.  moved to Lauderdale Co. from Maury Co., TN in the 1850s.  Martha's parents:  HEZEKIAH and HENRETTA SMITHSON came with them.  The Thompsons had 5 children in AL.  Two of the sons, Jordan H. and Nathaniel F. returned to TN and married.  They finally settled in Tiptonville, Lake Co. TN and are buried there.
The Smithsons stayed in Lauderdale Co., AL and are buried in Lexington area.
If this connects with anyone, please contact me.
Sherry at < >

Date: 8 Oct 2000
From: Diane Singleton <>
Larkin Lamar sometimes spelled Lemore,b. abt. 1807 in KY, moved to Lauderdale Co. and reared his family there. He married Emily Adams in 1827 in Ala. His son, Larkin Henderson Lamar lived his entire life there and was buried in Mitchell Cemetery, land that he had donated for the cemetery. He married a Mary A. ? and had 3 children: Nancy Jane b. 1859, Alace b. abt 1865 and James b. abt. 1867. His wife, Mary A. apparently died and he married Mrs. Sarah Jane Howard.  Thank you,   Diane Yarbro Singleton

Date: 8 Oct 2000
From: Howard "Kmart" Marks <>
My question is .Was Nathanieal H Marks the father of John Henry in Laud. Co.And was Nathanieal the first MARKS in Lauderdale County?

Date: 9 Oct 2000
From: Lignante
William Price born in Mecklenburg, NC in 1776.  James Bradley Price born in Lauderdale 1806, John Henry Price born in Lauderdale 1834.  Any information regarding this family would be appreciated.  Thanks Helene

Date: 3 Nov 2000
I am  Pamela Phillips Brautigam
I am looking for Thomas M. Phillips resident of Florence, Lauderdale Co., AL and his family wife Mary CH Elizabeth A, William N. James N, Mary P, Manervy P, Willis G, Wiley B, Joseph E, Lusinda A, Frances. Lauderdale census 1840, 1850


Date: 7 Dec 2000
From: Alice Garrett
I am searching for any information on the complete name, siblings or parents of my gr-gr-grandfather John Cox born abt. 1808 NC  (1850 Lauderdale CO., AL census shows both John and wife, (Mary "Polly" Hill) as 42 years of age, born in NC.  Mary was born in Carthage, Moore County, NC.   They moved to Killen, Lauderdale County, the early 40's, if P. Anderson was born in NC as listed in the census.    Have seen other information indicating they may have accompanied Mary Hill's family to Lauderdale County at an earlier date.   Any information will be greatly appreciated.    Alice (Cox) Garrett
Children of John and Mary (Cox Surname) all listed as born in NC are:  
     Wiley G.                  b 1830
     Mary Elizabeth       b Dec 10, 1832
     Martin Vanburen    b Aug 27, 1835
     Hiram                      b Oct 15, 1837
     William                    b 1839
     P. Anderson           b Jan 28, 1842


Date: 7 Dec 2000
am looking for info on Abed , Elender, and Thomas  Cimmons  on the 1850 Ala census for Waterloo.i'm tryin to find where they came from and where they went. I'd be thankful for any info.


Date: 13 Dec 2000
From: Lee Hughes
Looking for information on  Martha House born ca 1789 in Virginia, and Nancy A. Irvin born ca 1845 in Alabama. On the 1850 Census of Lauderdale County, both were livng at the home of John Hughes. Please if anyone has info on these e-mail me at or  Thank you-- Lee

Date: 17 Dec 2000
From: Kaye Sass
     I now have found more info on George W. FOSTER and would lke to track down descendents of his siblings to try and put this together.
     A copy of the Natchez Trace Traveler mentioned James FOSTER in the War of 1812 which showed him as being born in IL and at first I thought this could not be mine since the death certificate of George W. FOSTER showed his father as being born in VA. The 1850 census shows James as being born in IL which should confirm this is the one in the War of 1812.
     I would like to get in touch with descendents of the following siblings of George W. FOSTER:
     James FOSTER     Age 54  farmer BP IL
     Jane                          Age 45                    SC
James FOSTER and Jane COOPER married Dec 9, 1823, according to a History of Florence AL by Jill K. Garrett.
Children:                     All born AL
     Hearriet           Age 19 in the 1850
     William            Age 18
     Elizabeth         Age 16
     George            Age 13 (This is my George)
     Balis                 Age 11
     Lucinda            Age   8
     Ann                   Age   8
     Richard            Age 8/12
By the 1860 census, James FOSTER is not showing, so he died between the 1850 and 1860 census.
Kaye in FL

Date: 21 Dec 2000
From: Elizabeth Walters
Trying to locate information on what cemetery Hiram H. Madden and his wife, Emalyne (Emma) Holland Madden are buried in. Any help with this would be greatly appreciated.    Elizabeth P. Walters

2024 by County Coordinator Patricia Bryant Hartley.

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