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Unidentified Photos

Unknown No. 1 - No. 25

The people and places pictured on these pages are not identified. There is a brief note about each picture. If you can name the place or identify the people, or if you have a picture that you can't identify from Lauderdale County and would like to place it here, please e-mail


Contributed by Linda Mayfield Vestal 

This picture was in my grandparents', Mattie CLEMMONS and Oscar CRYMES', possessions. They are now both deceased; but, they had lived  in the Lauderdale Co. area from their births in 1880 and 1888, respectively, until 1940. In terms of specific location, I know only that they lived in more than one location near St. Florian school where most of the children attended The two ladies MAY be friends or relatives. However since my grandparents didn't travel far from their home, I'm assuming that these ladies lived in the north/north central Lauderdale Co. area, possibly in the St. Florian community. Any assistance as to their identification would be appreciated.


Contributed by Barbara Turpin Olivier

My grandmother was Tishe (Hairell) Turpin. These pictures came from her old photo box. My families were in the Waterloo area of Lauderdale County, AL.  


Contributed by Anna M. Langley

All we know is that the man seated directly behind the black ox is my G-G-grandfather, George Carrell QUILLEN. We are hoping that by getting the picture seen, that someone will recognize one of their kinfolk.  

UNKNOWN NO. 4 and NO. 5

Contributed by Barbara Turpin Olivier

Left: Written on this picture is "John Turpin kids", but I don't know who this John Turpin might be. It is not my John Turpin who married Tishie Hairrel.  


Right:  This is another picture from Tishe (Hairell) Turpin's old photo box.   


Contributed by Barbara Turpin Olivier

Does anyone recognize these children?  This picture was found in Tishe (Hariell) Turpin's, my grandmother, photograph collection. There is nothing written on it. 


Contributed by Barbara Turpin Olivier

Has anyone seen this house? The picture belonged to my 
grandmother, Tishe (Hairell) Turpin.


Contributed by Carol Norris

This is a picture of what is supposed to be a store in Centre Star, AL. It is black and white on card- board, and was probably taken around 1900. Does anyone recognize the store or any of the people? Carol Norris


Contributed by Donna Risner

This picture was passed down from Edith Phillips Risner.  I need names for the "?" marks. Left to right: ..adults.. Wiley P. Gooch, ? man, Rachael Wealthy (Gooch) Wallace, Margaret (Boren) Gooch, ?woman.

I do not know the identity of any of the children. (Note child riding pig!)   


Contributed by Donna Risner 

This picture is from the collection of Edith Risner. I believe 2 of the ladies to be sisters, Ada Gooch and Ida Dean (Gooch) Wallace.  I need confirmation of which one is which and who the third lady is. 


Contributed by Donna Risner

The name "Lewis(?) Wallace" is written on the back of this picture. (It is difficult to read the writing and I am not absolutely sure that "Lewis" is correct.) What family do they belong to?  


Contributed by Barbara Turpin Olivier

This picture is believed to have been taken in or near Waterloo, AL, in the late 1800s. Does anyone recognize any of these men? 


Contributed by Peggy Joice Horton

We think this picture was made in or near Lexington, Al., sometime in late 1910 to mid 1911.  We recognize the following people in the picture:

In the first row, near the middle, the three little boys dressed in white are Allison Hassel JOICE (b. July 15, 1906) - Our father had had polio when he was two years old and always stood, favoring one leg, since one leg was shorter than the other. Carson and Clarence JOICE (b. March 8, 1908) - twin brothers

Behind the twins, standing in the second row are James Albert JOICE (b. March 31, 1901; d. Feb. 22, 1916) - standing behind, between the twins, dark haired boy in white shirt and dark pants; Blonde haired boy - unknown Ernest Benjamin JOICE (b. April 27, 1903) dark haired boy dressed in white shirt and dark pants, on the left side of the blonde haired boy.

Back row, about in the center of the picture are Rosa Ellen (NEWTON) JOICE, in white blouse, with baby in her arm on left side, standing slightly in front and to the left of the man in the white suspenders;
Mary Sue JOICE (b. May 22, 1910) in the arms of Rosa Ellen; Ruth O Dessa (Dessie) JOICE (b. Feb. 6, 1898), dressed in white, standing to the left of baby Mary Sue and behind the blonde haired boy.

Possibly the tall white haired gentleman with the white mustache, wearing white suspenders, is Rosa's father, William Ananias NEWTON, but we are not positive.  Since Rosa was also the daughter of Mary Ann SPRINGER NEWTON (daughter of Sarah "Sally" A. COMER and John N. SPRINGER), there may be members of those families in the picture as well as other NEWTONs.  


Contributed by Peggy Joice Horton

This picture is from Grandmother Rosa E. NEWTON JOICE's trunk. Do you recognize any of these people?  Since our grandmother's parents were Mary Ann (SPRINGER) and William Ananias NEWTON, it is possible that members of either or both families are in this picture.  Please contact us if you recognize any of them. 


Contributed by Peggy Joice Horton

From Grandmother Rosa E. NEWTON JOICE's trunk. Do you recognize this house and family?  This is the same group that is pictured on the first floor porch in the previous picture [Unknown No. 18].  This home was probably located in or near Lexington, Al., but there is a possibility it was in Lawrence County, TN.  Please contact us if you recognize or know of this house.    


Contributed by Peggy Joice Horton

Do you recognize this picture?  this house?  these girls?  Found in my grandmother's (Rosa Ellen NEWTON JOICE) trunk the only information we have is stamped on the back:   "E-125, J. A. Hammond, Photographer, 1905-1/2 Second Ave., Birmingham, Alabama". My grandmother was born and reared in Lexington, Alabama.  She and her husband, E. E. JOICE, lived there with their children until they moved to Oklahoma in 1916. 

UNKNOWN NO. 24 and NO. 25

Contributed by Montez Murphy

I, nor anyone in my immediate family, recognize these children. There are no markings on the photos other than the Echard Studio logo.  The pictures were in a box belonging to my grandmother Gladys Angel-Murphy-Parker or my great-grandmother Ola Brice Garner-Angel. Both lived and raised their families in the Cloverdale, Alabama area. If anyone can help identify these children I would appreciate it.   

2024 by County Coordinator Patricia Bryant Hartley.

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