Lauderdale County, Alabama
Probate Inventory Book A - 1
1818 - 1822
© Copyright 1993,1998. Pat M. Mahan
The title of this book is very misleading. It is actually open court records from the first days/years of Lauderdale County, Alabama's existence. The dates do not follow any sequence as far as recording was concerned. You will find everything from marriages [listed at the end] to Stock Marks. About the only thing not recorded in these pages is a will, of any description.
28 Jul 1818. Bond of Zedekiah TATE as Tax Collector of Lauderdale County, Alabama Territory. $6000.00. Bondsmen: Wm. DAVIS, Hugh CAMPBELL, and Thomas McCARLEY. William W. BIBB, Governor. Certified 29 Jul 1818, by Benjamin B. JONES, William McDONALD, and Joseph FARMER. Recorded 30 Jul 1818. Additional bond of 155.85 for Zedekiah TATE, Bondsmen: Joseph HUGHS and Jessee O. TATE. 29 Jul 1818. Zedekiah TATE was appointed as Tax Collector. (p. 1-2)
24 Jan 1820. Bond of William W. GARRARD, commissioned by the Governor as Clerk of the County Court of Lauderdale County, Alabama. Bondsmen: Henry Garrard and Joseph FARMER. $5,000. William W. BIBB, Governor of the State of Alabama. Recorded 2 Feb 1820. (p. 3)
24 Jan 1820. Bond of Chesley B. ROUNDTREE, commissioned as Sheriff of Lauderdale County, Alabama. Bondsmen: James DANCY and Doak McMAHAN, all of the State of Alabama. Signed by: C. B. ROUNDTREE, Jas. DANCY, Jonathan EPPLES, and Saml. D. McMAHAN. Recorded 11 Feb 1820 by W. W. GARRARD, Clk. Of L.C.C. Bound in the sum of $2,000. (p. 4)
24 Jan 1819. Bond of Thomas BARNETT, appointed Tax Collector for the County of Lauderdale. $10,000. Bondsmen: John WADDLE and William CRITTINGTON, all of Lauderdale County, Alabama. Signed: Thos. BARNETT, John WADDLE, W. T. CRITTINTUN. Recorded 11 Feb 1820 by W. W. GARRARD. (p.5)
24 Jan 1820. Bond of Seborn ROUNDTREE, appointed County Treasurer of Lauderdale County, Alabama. $10,000. Bondsmen: William CRITENDON and Zedekiah TATE. Signed: S. I/J. ROUNDTREE, Wm. P. CRITINGTON, Z. TATE. Recorded 11 Feb 1820 by W. W. GARRARD, Clk. L. Co. C. (p. 6)
24 Jan 1820. Bond of Alsenius KENDRICK, appointed by the County Court of Lauderdale County at the Jan. term 1820, County Surveyor. $10,000. Bondsmen: James PHILY [FILES], and James ELIOT. Signed: Alsenius KENDRICK, James FILEY [FILES], and James ELLIOTT. Recorded 11 Feb 1820 by W. W. GARRARD, Clk. L. Co. (p. 7)
24 Jan 1820. Bond of Wm. W. CRITINGTON appointed by the county of Lauderdale assessor for said county for the year 1820. $2,000. Bondsmen: Thomas BARNETT and Seborn ROUNDTREE. All of Lauderdale County, Alabama. Signed: Wm. W.
CRITINTON, Thos. BARNETT, and T. S. ROUNDTREE. Recorded 11 Feb 1820 by W. W. ROUNDTREE. Recorded 11 Feb 1820 by W. W. GARRARD, Clk. L.C.C. (p. 8)
22 Jan 1820. Deed. Joseph JARMAN of Lauderdale County, Alabama to the Baptist Society on Big Cypress and its waters one acre of land in range 12 township one section thirty-four northeast quarter of said section where the House of Public Worship now stands. . . Signed: Joseph JARMAN. Wit: Stephen JARMAN and Thomas PARKER. Proven by oath of Stephen JARMAN, 25 Jan 1820, before W. W. GARRARD, Clk of L.C.C. Recorded 10 Feb 1820. (p. 9)
20 Oct 1819. Appriasement of the good and chattles of Josiah WOODS, deceased. Mrs. Susanah WOODS, Administratrix. Appraisers: Thomas CHILDRESS, W. W. WARNER [?], and James KINDRICK. Included in the appraisal, but no named, were 12 slaves., valued at $4,200. Sworn to before Hugh CAMPBELL an acting Justice of the Peace of Lauderdale County. Recorded 10 Feb 1820. (p. 10, 11)
11 Feb 1820. Ear Mark No. 1. Thomas WELBORN. "an underbit and swallow fork in the right ear and under slope in the left." (p. 12)
11 Feb 1820. Ear Mark No. 2. Major HEARISTON. "an under keal in each ear." (p. 12)
11 Feb 1820. Ear Mark No. 3. Stephen JARMAN. "a crop and split in the right ear and under bit in the left." (p. 12)
11 Feb 1820. Ear Mark No. 4. Levy HOWEL. "an under slope of each ear." (p. 12)
11 Feb 1820. Ear Mark No. 5. Matt. RICHARDSON. "a swallow fork and under bit of each ear." (p. 13)
11 Feb 1820. Ear Mark No. 6. Wm. GRIFFIN. "a crop and under bit in the right ear and a slit in the left." (p. 13)
11 Feb 1820. Ear Mark No. 7. W. W. GARRARD. "a crop and under bit in each ear and upper bit in the left." (p. 13)
11 Feb 1820. Ear Mark No. 8. William McKNIGHT. "half cropof the under side of the right ear and an under bit and over bit in the left." (p. 13)
11 Feb 1820. Ear Mark No. 9. Harmon BEESLEY. "a swallow fork and under bit in the tright ear acrop and slit in the left." (p. 14)
11 Feb 1820. Ear Mark No. 10. Henry GARRARD. "a crop and upper bit in the left ear and half crop [page torn] of the upper side of the right ear. (p.14)
23 Feb 1820. Ear Mark No. 11. James BERRY. "a smoth [sic] crop off of the left ear a hold in the other." (p. 15)
23 Feb 1820. Ear Mark No. 12. Eli W. GREER. "a smooth crop off of theright ear and two slits in the left." (p. 15)
12 Feb 1820. Deed of Gift. Eli W. GREER to "my daughter Nancy my first born child". . ."all and ever particle of my property. . ." Horses, hogs, cattle, sheep, household furniture, and farming tools. Test: Wm. BERRY and James BERRY. Recorded 23 Feb 1820. (p. 15)
4 Mar 1820. Stockmark No. 14 [sic]. Thomas GARRARD. "a smooth of off each ear under bit in the right and upper bit and slit in the left ear." [sic] (p. 16)
11 Mar 1820. Appraisal and sale of the property of John COLLINGSWORTH, deceased. James FILES Administrator. Pruchasers: James FILES, John JONES, Elkins HAND, William GRIFFIN, R. BEASLEY, A. KINDRICK, John JACKSON, Jas. {?} WEST [?], C. B. MANLY. (p.17)
7 May 1820. Stockmark [no number assigned}. George COALTER. "acrop of the left ear and swallow fork in the right." (p. 20)
2 Nov 1819. Deed of Trust. Thomas CHILDRESS of lauderdale County, Alabama of the one part; William POLK of Wake County, North Carolina of the other part; Samuel POLK of Columbia, Tennessee of third part… Thomas CHILDRESS indebted to William POLK FOR $6,100… bond… indorsed by James JACKSON due… 1 Mar 1821… for $5… Thomas CHILDRESS… conveys to the third party the following slaves:
Anthony, a black fellow, age 22
Lukey, his wife a yellowwoman, age 22
Carolin, their child, 15 months old
Daniel, a house carpenter, 27 years old
Polly, his wife, 25 years old, and their 7 children,
Culy, Arch, Edmond, Abram, Fredrick, Alfred, Basshaba
Joe, a black boy, 20 years old
Filess, a yellow girl, 15 years old, and her brothers,
William, 13 years old, John, 11 years old
_____ely, about 25 years old and her two children [not named] both yellow
Reuben, a black boy, 15 years old
Signed: Thos. CHILDRESS and Will. POLK. Test: H. W. GROVE, Jurat, James WALKER, Jurat. Clerks certificate of Maury County, Tennessee. January term 1820, signed by Joseph B. PORTER, Clerk of Maury County Tennessee, 24 Feb 1820. Registered in my office in book H [?] page 339, Pleasant NELSON, Registrar, Maury County, Tennessee. Recorded 7 May 1820, Lauderdale County, Alabama. (p 20-24)
7 Feb 1820. Josiah WOOD, deceased. Sale of personal property. Purchasers: Susanah WOOD, Wm. McCLANAHAN, Julian NAILE, Hugh CAMPBELL, Benjamin BARTON, Edmon I/J. BAILY, Wm. GLOVER, Samuel BRIAN, Samuel BELL, James GLOVER, John FLOYD. Hire of the negroes:
Susan WOOD to hire of Harly
Ands. CHILDRESS do to Betsy & 2 children
Benjamin GLOVER to hire of Winey
Edmond I/J. BALEY to hire of Lewen [Lewis?]
Doctor BRUICE to hire of Mary
Hugh CAMPBELL to hire of Peter
Wm. McCLANAHAN to hire of Edmon
Recorded 9 May 1820. (p. 24-26)
18 Feb 1819. Deed. John FOWLER and Lucinda, his wife, to David CLEM. All of Lauderdale County, Alabama Territory. . . for $775. . . southeast quarter section no 12 township no 1, range no 8 west. . . signed: John FOWLER nad Lucinda FOWLLER [sic]. Wit: Hunter PEEL [?], Jas. G. WEAKELY as to John FOWLER. Indorsed by Alexd. McDOUGALL, JP 13 Feb 1819. Attest: Thomas McCARLEY, Jurat; Joseph McCARLEY, Jurat. Recorded 10 May 1820. (p. 27)
9 Jun 1820. Stock and Ear Mark. Henry D. ALLEN. "a swallowfork and under bit in the right ear." (p. 29)
4 Jul 1820. Ear Mark. William BEASLY. "a crop off of the left ear and a swallowfork and under bit in the right." (p. 29)
22 Jul 1820. Deed. Joseph FARMER to William H. GARDNER. Both of Lauderdale County, Alabama. For $400. . . 2 lots of land in the town of springfield Robertson County, Tennessee. . . No. 19 and 53. . . No. 19 conveyed to Joseph FARMER by the commissioners of the town of springfield by deed dated 12 Nov 1816. No. 53 conveyed by Thomas JOHNSON by deed bearing date 21 Jun 1816. . . signed: J. FARMER. Wit: B. FARMER, A. D. FARMER. Recorded 5 Aug 1820. (p. 29-30)
25 Jul 1820. Inventory of the estate of Ephram WILBORN, deceased. Appraiser: Wm. JARMON, Richard DARBY, Jacob P. YOUNG. Adw. McMICKEN, JP. Recorded 5 Aug 1820. (p. 31-32)
No date? Ellis THOMAS deceased. Inventory of appraisement. Appraisers: Johnathan SPRINGER, Guthridge MASTERSON, Thomas McCARLEY. (p. 33)
10 Aug 1820. [Recorded date] Inventory and Sale of thomas McBride, deceased. Robert WILSON, administrator. Purchasers: John _______, Benjamin ADAIR, Robert WILSON, Drewry HOLT, John WELCH, Robert HERMAN, George KIRKENS [?], Thomas PHILIPS, Drewry LENIER, Elijah SHELTON, Dempsy DEENS, Charles CONAWAY, David CAMPBELL, Jack REECE, Philmon WHITE. (p. 34)
1 Jun 1820. Power of Attorney. Joseph FARMER of Lauderdale County, Alabama …appointed by trusty friend William H. GARDNER my true and lawfull attorney for me. . . all matters touching and concerning of my debts, attending suits which I have already commenced against various persons in the aforesaid state and in the state of Tennessee. . . signed: J. FARMER. Attest: Thomas HAWKINS, Wm. McCLANANHAN, James ELIOT. Certificate indorsed by William W. GARRARD, Clerk of Lauderdale County Court. Proven 24 Jul 1820. . . "In witness where of I have here unto set my hand and affixed my personal seale, there being no seale as yet provided this 27th day of August 1820." (p. 35-37)
23 Aug 1820. Stock Mark. Thomas WILLIAMS. "two smooth crops and 2 underbits." (p. 38)
21 Aug 1820. Deed. John PAYNE to William WATERS, both of Lauderdale County, Alabama. John PAYNE indebted to William WATERS for $800. . . for$1. . . land.. .in. . . Lauderdale County, Alabama in township no. 2 range no. 9 and section no. 35. . . southwest quarter of said section with the crop of corn cotton and other things now growing on the land - - also a negro boy named David and all my household and kitchen furniture together with my stock of all sorts and forming utentials [sic. . . $88 current money with legal interest for the same on or before the first day of January 1820. . . signed: John PAYNE. Wit: Jno. CRAIG, Jessy EVENS. Delivered to PAYNE 24 Nov 1820. Proven 21 Aug 1820 by John PAYNE. Wit: John CRAIG one of the Justices of the County Court for the country aforesaid. Recorded 21 Sep 1820. W. W. GARRARD Clk. (p. 38-40)
24 Oct 1820. Power of Attorney. Horatio BETT of Franklin County, Alabama, lawful administrator of Henry BUSH deceased. . . appoint Joseph GLASS of Fedrick [sic] County, Virginia my true and lawfull attorney. . . demand and receive from the treasurer of the United States. . . money. . . lawfully due. . . the late Phillip Augustus BUSH. . . officer on board the B______ Cutters Louisiana Ginny [?]. . . signed: Horatio BETT, Administrator de bonas non of Phillip a. BUSH, dec’d. (p. 41)
24 Oct 1820. Inventory of sale of the estate of Ellis THOMAS. James HAMMONS and Charles CONAWAY Administrators. Purchasers: Samuel POTET [POTEET], James HAMMONS, Ames THIGPEN, Mathew DOWNS, Francis DE_____ [DURETTE?], David THOMPSON, Guthridge MASTERSON, Johnathan SPRINGER, Wm. POTEATE [POTEET], Jack FOSTER. Recorded 1 Nov 1820. (p. 42)
No date? Inventory of sale of the estate of Ephram WELBERN, dec’d. Purchasers: Elizbeth WELBORN, Abner HENDRIX, Levy HOWEL, Thomas WELBORN, Elixandria HADDOCK, Seamen BRADLY, Jacob BELEW, Samuel BROWN, Edward JEFFERSON, Joseph WILKS, William DUEBERRY, Samuel NAILE, Emerle JOHNSON, Barry BELEW, Joseph PETS [?] (p. 43-45)
10 Oct 1820. Inventory the sale of David CLEM, dec’d. Purchasers: Mary CLEM, James WILLIAMS, Jacob READ, William GAGE, Thomas WILLIAMS, James TOMESSON, Mark SHELTON. (p. 46)
21 Oct 1820. Stock Mark. Andrew McMICKIN. "crop off of the left and half crop off of the underside of the right and branded with the letter ‘C’." (p. 47)
14 Aug 1820. Deed. Sterlin TUCKER of Lauderdale County, Alabama to "my beloved daughter Esritta [?] TUCKER of the county and state aforesaid". . . all and singular my goods and chattles. . . signed: Sterlin TUCKER. Attest: Andrew McMICKEN, JP. (p. 47)
22 Jul 1820. Inventory of the Appraisement of the Estate of David CLEM, dec’d. Appraisers: James WILLIAMS, Thos. McCARLY, Joseph McCARTY. Misc notes and loans of demand against said estate:
Johnathan SPRINGER, $17.00
a note to John FOWLER for $150.00
Amos WILLIAMS, $6.00
James WILLIAMS, $36.00
Willis HAMMONS, $6.00
Doctors fees, $25.00
signed: Mary CLEM, adminstratrix of David CLEM, dec’d. (p. 49)
8 Aug 1820. Bill of Sale. Joseph FARMER of Lauderdale County, alabama to George HANKS of Laurens County, Tennessee [Lawrence Co TN] for $3,000. . . seven negroes namely Enoch, Sam, Diner and her child John, Meriah daughter of Bhida [?] and Meria daughter of Linder and one negro woman named Cherry. . . Signed: Joseph FARMER. Test: B. P. ANDREWS, Nath. H. MARKS. Proen in open court at October term 1820 by the oaths of Patrick ANDREWS and Nath H. MARKS. . . W. W. GARRARD, Clk. Recorded 13 Dec 1820. (p. 50-51)
16 Aug 1820. Bill of Sale. George HANKS of Lawrence County, Tennessee to Eliza FARMER, daughter of Joseph FARMER two negroes, one woman named Cherry . . . about 30 years of age the other a girl about seven years of age by the name of Anaia [?]. . . I have hereunto set my hand and seale with my my seale at Florence". . . signed: George HANKS. Attest: Patrick ANDREWS, Nathan H. MARKS, Wm. GIBSON. Proven in open court October term 1820. W. W. GARRARD, Clerk of Lauderdale County Court. (p. 52)
15 Dec 1820. Bill of Sale. Enoch M. JOHNSTON to Wm. W. GARRARD for value received. . . the lease I have taken on the 16th section in township no 1 range no. 11 west, also [stock and personal property]. Signed: Enoch M. JOHNSTON. Attest: Thomas GARRARD. (p. 53)
27 Jan 1821. Stock Mark. James SAMPLE. "a slit in each ear and underbit slit of the left." (p. 54)
7 Apr 1821. Deed. Robert FRANKS to Levy FRANKS, both of Lauderdale County, Alabama. . . for . . . the natual love and affection which Robert FRANKS hath and beareth unto. . . Levy FRANKS, his son. . . and . . . $5.00. . . one negro woman named Vilot, aged 33 years. . . personal property. . . Signed: Robert FRANKS. (p. 54-55)
pages 56 and 57 are missing. The remainder of the FRANKS deed would have been on p. 56. A note clipped to the insert stated that the Little Cypress Baptist Church affirmation of faith was also recorded here.
27 Apr 1821. Bill of Sale. Elizabeth LUNY to Isaiah STARKEY for $50.00 one negro girl named Sophia about 3 years of age. Signed: Elizabeth X LUNY (her mark). Attest: W. W. GARRARD (p. 58)
9 Feb 1821. Deed of Trust. George COALTER of the one part and Richard R. ROYAL and John COCKRALL of the other part. . . George COALTER indebted to John COCKRELL for $1919. . . conveys to Richard R. ROYAL. . . fractional section one and twelve in range seven township three west of Elk River being the same on which said George COALTER has erected his mill excepting out of this convey the one undivided half of that part of said fraction including one half of the mills and other improvements on the same which lies below Anderson Creek said undivided half having been sold and conveyed to Wm. SNODY hereby also converyint to said Richard ROYAL one negro man named Sampson and one negro woman named Minda and her child Merriah also one negro woman named Julia one negro woman named Nancy and one girl named Delila. . . George. . . will not release Brice M. GARNER and James COALTER from any obligation in a note here-to-fore given by George COALTER. Test: Mark B. COCKRAL, James COALTER. Certified by Presley WARD, Clerk of Circuit Court, Lauderdale County, Alabama. (p. 58-61)
Pages 62 and 63 have been torn from the book.
Date ? [First part of this Deed of Trust is missing.] Thomas GARRARD. . . sell. . . to . . . John BOURLAND. . . one hundred acres of land in Lauderdale County, Alabama, Range eleven township no. 1, section no 28. . . also. .. the west half of northeast quarter of section 33 township no. 1, range no. 11 including my blacksmith shop and tools. . . also my half of the mills built by myself and W. W. GARRARD. . . personal property. . . money due [amount and creditor unknown] 25 Dec 1821. . . signed: Thomas GARRARD, John BOURLAND. Certificate endorsed 5 Jan 1821. . . W. W. GARRARD Clk. Recorded 18 May 1821. (p. 64-65)
18 Jul 1820. Bill of Sale. Joseph FARMER of Lauderdale County, Alabama to L. __? __? GIST for $700 a negro man named Charles aged about 24 years. Signed: Joseph FARMER. Wit: Jno. COFFEE.
3 May 1821. Stock Mark. William WALLACE. "a smooth crop and slit in the left and half crop off the upper side of the right." (p. 66)
23 Apr 1821. Stock Mark. Richard FARRIS. "a smooth crop off the left ear." (p. 67)
23 Apr 1821. StockMark. Joseph GERMAIN [JARMAN]. "two swallow forks and under keals in the right, his brand ‘J G’." (P. 67)
1 Jun 1817. Deed of Trust. Thomas OFFETT of Scott County [no state given] to Gerard VANBUREN of Franklin County [no state given] for. . .the natural love and affection. . . for his daughter Ann Westman BERTRAND. . . to provide for comfort and support by placing the property herein after mentioned in the hands and under the control of my friend Gerard VANBUREN as a trustee. . . the following property to wit: one negro girl named Patty of the age of 17 years. . . one negro boy named Sandford about 19 years old; 2 feather beds; one bedstead. . . two pairs of sheets, five pairs of blankets which I have heretofore sent my said daughter by an instrument. . . bearing date 28 Jan 1816. . . said trustee is expressly prohibited from consenting or suffering the said slaves or their heirs or services to be appropriated by the husband of my said daughter to his use or the payment of any debt, contract by him. . . Peter BERTRAND the said husband of my said daughter. . . signed: Thos. OFFETT, Gerard VANBUREN. Wit: John M. OFFUTT, Charlotte OFFUTT, _____? OFFUTT. 14 Nov 1817. Scott County. Proven before B. S. CHAMBERS, C. S. Co. Recorded 13 Jul 1821. W. W. GARRARD Clk. (p. 68-70)
28 Aug 1821. Bill of Sale. Elizabeth LOONY of Lauderdale County, Alabama to Geary W. GUTHREY, one negro girl named Jane? About 2 years of age, for $50. Signed: Elizabeth X LOONY (her mark). Proven before W. W. GARRARD, Clerk of Lauderdale County Court. (p. 71)
5 Aug 1821. Stock Mark. Thomas WALLACE. "a half crop from the under side of the left ear." (p. 72)
6 Aug 1821. Stock Mark. Elexander FARRIS. "a crop and staple fork in the right ear." (p. 72)
1 Sep 1821. Power of Attorney. William DICKSON of Nelson county, Virginia. . . appoint Samuel DICKSON of Madison County, Alabama, my true and lawful attorney. . . to door transact any business in relation. . . to my lands or land that I. . . now hold by legal purchase in the State of Alabama. Signed: William X DICKSON (his mark). Test: M. W. DIXON. Acknowledged 1 Sep 1821 before M. W. DIXON, JP Franklin County, Tennessee. (p. 72-74)
29 Oct 1821. Ear Mark. William MARTIN. "a half cropfrom the under side of the right ear and slit in the left." (p. 75)
6 Oct 1821. Articles of Agreement. Samuel COOPER, Jessee O. TATE and Thomas W. EDWARDS, all of Lauderdale County Alabama. Samuel COOPER agrees to build a mill house 20 feet wide and thirty feet long and seventeen feet high also the running gear and complete a grist mill. . . also to fix or make the running gear and complete a cotton machine to be attached and occupy a part of the above mentioned mill house. . . for. . . $408. . . to be paidby the said J. O. TATE and Thos. W. EDWARDS. . . signed: Samuel COOPER, Jesse O. TATE, Thos. W. EDWARDS. Wit: Zedekiah TATE. (p. 75-76)
1 Jan 1821. Deed John S. CAMPBELL of Lauderdale County, Alabama to Phillip W. CAMPBELL of Davison County, Tennessee. . . for and in consideration of the natural love and affection which he the said [the remainder of this deed is missing. This portion is on p. 77.]
Pages 78-79 are missing.
18 Jan 1822. Articles of Agreement. Jabez GREGG and Johnathan BUTTERFIELD of the town of Florence. . . to furnish the brick and other materials and build for John McKINLEY of said town a brick house on lot number 192 on Court Street in said town. . . signed: Jabez GREGG, Jonathan BUTTERFIELD, J. McKINLEY. (p. 80)
10 Jan 1822. Articles of Agreement. John McGOWEN agrees to do all the carpenter work of a store thirty by twenty feet [by] nine feet. . . Isham B. LEATH. . . to pay the said McCOWEN in 12 monhs from thecompletion of the work. . . signed: John McCOWEN, Isham B. LEATH. Test: William G. BRIAN. (p. 83-84)
11 Feb 1822. Deed of Trust. Fayette HOLLAND of the one part, George BOGGS Jr., Richard COCKRAN, George BOGGS Senior & James BOGGS surviving partners of the firm of Boggs Cochran & Co. & William C. BRUCE of the second part and Hugh FINDLEY of the third part. . . Fayette HOLLAND. . . indebted to Boggs Cochran & Co $85.56 ¼. . . and to William C. BRUCE $85.00. . . Fayette HOLLAND conveys to Hugh FINDLEY the following property to wit one lot. . . adjoining the town of Florence lying on court Street being the northeast corner of a lot of land purchased by P. ANDREWS of the Trustees of the cypress Land company lying between Court and Pine Street. . . personal property including a brace of horseman pistols. . . signed: Fayette HOLLAND, Boggs Cochran & Co., Wm. C. BRUCE, H. FINDLEY. Test: George COATER [COALTER?], James IRVINE, Jurat. (p. 85-87)
14 Feb 1822. Bill of Sale. James COBB to Robert COLMAN [COLEMAN] for 4500 two negroes Clarky and Arch. Signed: James COBB. (p. 88)
13 Feb 1822. Bill of Sale. James COBB to C. B. ROUNTREE of Lauderdale County, Alabama for $600 three negroe slaves (to wit) charity aged 24 year; sophia, 4 years; Berry, 3 years old. Signed: James COBB. Robert COALMAN, Jurat. (p. 88-89)
16 Feb 1822. Indenture. Thomas HAYS and Astin PERRIMAN of the one part and James SAMPLES of the town of Florence and state of Alabama of the other part. . . Astin PERRYMAN who will be . . .nine years in May next of his own free will and accord hath placed and bound himself to James SAMPLES of Lauderdale County, Alabama to learn the art trade or mastery of Brick Mason. . . to dwell with and serve the said James SAMPLES from the date hereof until the 1st day of May 1834… Thomas HAYS on his part by an order of the Judge of the County Court of said county doth bind said apprentice accordingly. . . signed: Thomas X HAYS (his mark), James SAMPLES. (p. 90-92)
23 Feb 1822. Bill of Sale. John G. JOHNSTON to Nathaniiel H. MARKS for $30, sold one bay horse. Signed: John G. JOHNSTON Test: Thomas T. TAYLOR. (p. 92)
28 Feb 1822. Articles of agreement. John McCOWEN and James LASTER both of the town of florence. . . John McCOWEN. . . agreement. . .10 Jan 1822 between himself and Isham B. LEATH. . . to build a store house. . . James LASTER agrees to complete. . . signed: John McCOWEN, James X LASTER (his mark). (p. 93)
31 Oct 1821. Bill of Sale. William HOW of Lauderdale County, Alabama. . . to Joseph P. HOW. . . for $1,400. . . negroes. . .
Rewben, age 22
Beck, his wife, age 26, her two male children
Bobb, age 3
David about 18 months
signed: Wm. HOW. Wit: Solomon THORNTON, Moses YORK. (p. 94)
9 Mar 1822. Bill of Sale. Thomas WEBB of Lauderdale County, Alabama to Claibourn WEBB for $300. . . a negro woman named Milly. . . signed: Thomas WEBB Wit: Eli W. ______, Berry WEBB, Benjamin PRICE, JP. (p. 96)
9 Mar 1822. Bill of Sale. Thomas WEBB of Lauderdale County, Alabama to John WEBB Jr., son of Thomas WEBB. . . $350. . . a negro woman named Basshaba. . . signed: Thomas WBB. Wit: Eli W. _____, Berry WEBB, Benjamin PRICE, JP. (p. 98)
4 Apr 1822. Indenture. Phillip ROHR. . . 17 years of age. . . bound himself to Joshua WILLIS of the town of Florence. . . 2 years. . . to learn trade of mastery of a tailor. . . signed: Joshua WILLIS, Phillip ROHR. Attest: W. W. GARRARD, Clerk of Laud. County Court. (p. 99)
17 Sep 1821. Bill of Sale. Griggs & Butterfield to Wm. KOGER twenty thousand burnt bric… if we shall pay William KOGET $58 on or before 17 November next. . . brick to remain on our lot. . . signed: Griggs & Butterfield. Wit: Robert CHAMP. William S. FULTON, Judge County Court. (p. 101)
6 Apr 1822. Indenture. William GRIFFIN guardian of Willis WILDER to James SAMPLE. William GRIGGIN, the lawful guardian of Willis WILDER of Lauderdale County, Alabama binds Willis WILDER to James SAMPLES of the town of Florence, to learn. . . brick mason. . . until age 21. Willis WILDER was 15 on the 16th of October last. Signed: James SAMPLES, Wm. GRIFFEN. Attest: W. W. GARRARD, Clerk of Laud. Co. Court. (p. 102)
6 Apr 1822. Indenture. John COX, one of the overseers of the poor. . . William WILDER. . . [was] 13 years on the 12 th of October last. . . an orphan. . . bound to James SAMPLES of the town of Florence. Signed: W. W. GARRARD Clk. James SAMPLES, John COX. (p. 104)
16 Apr 1818. Power of Attorney. American Asylum to John BOARDMAN. Congress of the United State. . . grant Conicticut Asylum for deaf and dumb persons otherwise called the American Asylum at Hartford for the Education and instruction of the deaf and dumb. . . [part of this instrument is missing.] Signatures: Nath. TERRY V. President of American As., Seth TERRY, Secretary. Wit: Wm. EASLEY, H. HUSTON. (p. 106)
29 Jan 1822. State of connecticut… John S. PETERS, Judge of the Superior Court. . . Nathan TERRY, Esq. . . a vice President of the Connecticut Asylum for the Education and instruction of the deaf and dum. . . hath subscribed the foregoing power of attorney. . . also Seth TERRY, the secretary of said corporation. (p. 110)
15 Oct 1821. Bill of Sale. James ELIOT of Lauderdale County, Alabama to Sarrah HANNAH. . . negro girl named Hannah aged about 15 years. . .signed: James ELIOT. Test: John DONELSON Jr., Jos. J. HANNAH. Condition. . . if James ELIOT pays Sarrah HANNAH $200. . . 1 Feb 1823. . . bill of sale to be of no force. . . signed: Sarrah HANNAH, James ELIOT. Test: John DONALSON Jr., Jos. J. HANNAH. Additional Lean [sic] on this negro girl Hannah for $15. . . april 1822. Signed: James ELIOT. Wit: David CRENSHAW. (p. 115)
25 Apr 1822. Stock Mark. Abraham KERNACHAN. "a swallow fork in each ear." (p. 116)
9 Jan 1822. Bill of Sale. William BARTON and Olsmus KINDRICK. . . sold Sarah HANNAH a negro boy named Lewis aged about 21 years . . . $600. . . signed: William BARTON, O. KINDRICK. Test: Jas. J. HANNAH. (p. 117)
11 Apr 1821. Bill of Sale. Wm. HOW of Lauderdale County, Alabama to my daughter Jane D. HOW one negro girl named Meriah. . . $2.00. . . signed: Wm. HOW. Wit: Samuel McMAHAN, Solomon THORNTON, Jurat. (p. 118)
20 Mar 1822. Deed. Connecticut Asylum for the Education and instruction of the deaf and dum persons to Christopher CHEATHAM of Limestone County, Alabama. . . for $9,927.75. . . land. . . in the county of Lauderdale and state of Alabama. . . SW ¼ S12, and the whole of S13 T3 R13w. . . done at Huntsville. . . signed: John BOARDMAN agent & Attorney in fact of the aforesaid Asylum. Wit: A. ROBINSON. (p. 119)
No Date. Mortgage. Henry SMITH of Halifax County, North Carolina. . . for $9,500. . . from American Asylum. . . sell. . . land in Lauderdale County, Alabama. . .SW ¼ S2, SE ¼ SE, the whole of fractional section 10 all in T3 (p. 124) [remainder of this document is missing.]
Pages 125 through 128 are missing.
20 May 1822. Sealed and delivered the above instrument…signed: Richard ELLIS, Judge of the 4th Judicial Circuit State of Alabama. Recorded 17 Jun 1822. W. W. GARRARD, Clk. (p. 129) [This MAY be the last portion of the Henry SMITH mortgage.]
25 Jun 1822. Bill of Sale. William KOGER transfers a negro woman named Linder to C. B. ROUNTREE. signed: William KOGER. Andr. CHAMBERS Jurat. Recorded 25 Jun 1822. W. W. GARRARD Clerk.(p. 129)
21 May 1822. Power of Attorney. Benjamin BRITTON of the town of Florence, Lauderdale County. . . appoint. . . my trusty and loving friend Miles BRITTON of the town of Florence, Lauderdale County. . . Attorney for me. . . to . . . sell land known in the General Land Office by a warrant then issued in favor of Reuben BOWES late a private of the United States Infantry and number 11602. . . SE1/4 S30 T6N R4w in the tract appropriated for Military Bounties in the territory of Illinois. . . signed: Benjamin BRITTON Wit: Isaac SOUTHWORTH, James BRITTON. Proven July session 1822 by the oaths of James BRITTON and Isaac SOUTHWORTH… W. W. GARRARD Clk. Recorded 22 Jul 1822. (p. 130-133)
22 May 1822. Bill of Sale. Johnathan P. STANFORD to John AUSTIN. $700… one negro man named Sam about 21 years old. Signed: Jonathan P. STANFORD. Wit: I/J. ERWIN. Nathaniel ERWIN. Recorded 13 Aug 1822. (p. 134)
8 Aug 1822. Bill of Sale. Jones KINDRICK and James ELLIOT to William KID. All of Lauderdale County, Aabama. $300… negro girl named Racilla, about nine years of age… signed: James KENDRICK, James ELIOT. Test: John JACKSON, William X McCARLEN (his mark) (p. 134-135)
7 Sep 1822. Indenture. Orphans Court of Lauderdale County, State of Alabama and William R. CAMPBELL of State & County aforesaid. . . Orphans Court. . . bound. . . William WISENER, a minor, to William R. CAMPBELL. . . for 9 years from the date hereof. . . trade of brickmason. . . signed: William R. CAMPBELL. Attest: W. W. GARRARD, Clk. (p. 136-137) [NOTE: Most indentures or apprenticeships were to terminate at age 21, which would make William WISENER about 10 years old.]
26 Sep 1822. Stock Mark. Seabern T. ROUNTREE. "a swallow fork and underbit in the right ear and two splits in the left." (p. 138)
26 Sep 1822. Stock Mark. Volentine VANHOOSON. "a crop and hole in the left ear and upper bit out of the right." (p. 138)
2 Oct 1822. Bill of Sale. David BROWN to Walden FULLER. $100. . . negro child nine nomths old of a yellow complexion named Marian the daughter of Sibs [?]. . . signed David BROWN. Witness: William EWING. (p. 139)
16 Aug 1822. Bill of Sale. Lemuel BLACKBURN to _______ FULLER. I Lemuel BLACKBURN. . . sold a certain negro woman 20 years old named Sib – the isue of the above mentioned sail [sic] the woman a black dark negro for . . . $111. . . signed: Lemuel BLACKBURN Test: I/J. W. STEET [?], David BROWN. (p. 139)
8 Oct 1822. Stock Mark. Wilson ENGLISH. "a swallow fork in the right ear and an under bit in the left." (p. 140)
10 Oct 1822. Stock Mark. John RICHARDSON. "a crop in the right ear and a swallow fork in the left." (p. 140)
Record of Marriage Licenses & Certificates of Marriages.
[NOTE: These were originally recorded in Inventory Book A-1, but have been removed and bound in the front of the first volume of marriages.]
ROSE, Bennet – BURNEY, Nancy 30 Dec 1818 (7 Jan 1818) Z. TATE JP
HAMIL, James – FAIRES, Matilda 18 Oct 1819 (21 Oct 1819) Andrew McMICKEN [this license crossed out.]
JACKSON, James – GRAHAM, Nancy 13 Oct 1819 (14 Oct 1819) by Andrew McMICKEN, JP.
KERTICE, William – HODGE, Nancy [remainder of record missing]
FARIS, Eli – MORRISON, Frances 6 Jan 1819 (14 Jan 1819) Geo. McNELLY, E.M.E.E.
SOUTHWORTH, Isaac – BUCHANON, Abomaida 19 Jun 1819 (19 Jun 1819) Wm. McDONALD, JP
WILKS, Samuel – PERRYMAN, Mily 9 Mar 1818 (page torn) Wm. McDONALD, JP
SAMPLES, James – McVAY, Sally Parthenia 1 Jul 1819 (1 Jul 1819) Wm. McDONALD, JP
STEGALE, Benjamin – TRIPLETT, Nancy 29 Jan 1819 Alexander McDUGALE, JP
DERRIBURY, John – CARSON, Suzanah 19 Feb 1819 (21 Feb 1819) Wm. McDONALD, JP
JOHNSON, Charles – HELLUMS, Elizabeth 8 Dec 1818 (10 Dec 1818) Wm. McDONALD, JP
HAMMONDS, James – SAVAGE, Sarah 29 Jan 1819 Alexander McDOUGAL, JP
WALKER, Joseph H. – GAGE?, Mary 26 Jan 1819 Alexander McDOUGAL, JP
BURNEY, Charles – KING, Polly 12 Jul 1819 (15 Jul 1819) Z. TATE, JP
HUGGINS, John – FARIS, Sarah 8 Oct 1819 (14 Oct 1819) Andrew McMICKEN, JP [this license is crossed out.]
HUGGINS, John – FARES, Sarah 6 Oct 1819 (14 Oct 1819) Andw. McMICKEN, JP
JONES, James – KENEMAR, Jamima 25 Oct 1819 (28 Oct 1819) John DICK__ [page torn]
MOSELEY, Robert – PIGMON, Nancy 26 Oct 1818 Alexander McBRIDE?, JP
WALLDRIP, William – GARMAN, Susanah 7 Jun 1819 (10 Jun 1819) Wm. McDONALD, JP
ADAMS, William – KRUM, Amy [Anny?] 10 Sep 1819 (14 Sep 1819) Alexander McDUGALL, JP
WA_____, Amos – PRATT, Nancy 2 Feb 1819 Alexander McDUGALE, JP
BROTHERTON, David – MARSHALL, Naomay 13 Jan 1820 Alexander McDUGALE, JP
WHITEHEAD, James – KING, Elizabeth 1 Jan 1820 (2 Jul 1820) Z.TATE, JP
ENGLISH, Wm. – ROBERTSON, Winny 18 Nov 1818 (19 Nov 1818) Wm. McDONALD, JP
RIDDLE, John – WOOD, Catherine 18 Jan 1819 (20 Jan 1819) Wm. McDONALD, JP
DARBY, Henry – WILLIAMS, Patsy 8 Dec 1818 (10 Dec 1818) Wm. McDONALD, JP
MORISON, William A. – WILKES, Lucy 17 Dec 1818 (10 Dec 1818) Wm. McDONALD, JP
NORMAN, Alexander – HILL, Sintha 17 Jan 1819 (10 Jan 1819) W. McDONALD, JP
HEARSTON, Thomas – GRAVES, Isabel 24 Feb 1820 (24 Feb 1820) Hugh McVAY, JP
KERR, Eli W. – BERRY, Miss Polly 10 Nov 1818 (22 Nov 1818) Wm. McDONALD, JP
POTEET, James – BARROW, Sarah 27 Jun 1819 (29 Jun 1819) Alexander McDOUGALE, JP
Lauderdale County Court, April Term 1820.
Jeremiah BURNER produced credentials of his being a regular ordained minister of the gospel. . . authorised to solemnize the rights of matrimony in this State. . . 26 Apr 1820.
James HARDIS [HARDER? HARDEN?] produced his credentials. . . ordained minister of the gospel. . . authorized to solemnize the right of matrimony . . . 26 Apr 1820.
HOLTON, Tilly? – KIRK, Nancy 21 Jan 1820 (23 Jan 1820) Andw. McMICKEN, JP [this license crossed out]
CURTIS, William – HODGE, Nancy 2 Aug 1819 (5 Aug 1819) Andrew McMICKEN, JP [this license crossed out]
McHIGH, Alexander – GARETT, Margaret 5 Jul 1820 [sic] (8 Jul 1819 [sic]) Andrew McMICKEN, JP. [license crossed out.]