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Slave Sales

Contributed by Lee Freeman.


From the Florence Gazette, Thursday, February 22, 1827, p. 4:

Executors' Sales of Slaves
Lauderdale County Orphan's Court, 5th 
December, 1826.

     HENRY Anderson and Jacob Byler, administrators of the estate of Jesse Evans, deceased--- this day filed their petition setting forth that the estate of said Jesse, which has as yet come into their hands, as administrators, both real and personal, has not been sufficient to pay and satisfy the demands against said estate; and that they have now in their possession a negro slave called ESTHER, which they claim as the property of said estate, and which they pray may be placed upon the inventory, and that an order of sale may issue authorising the sale of said negro slave ESTHER, to satisfy the demands against said estate. It is therefore ordered that publication be made in the Florence Gazette, giving at least thirty days notice, and requiring persons interested in said estate, or property, to appear at the next Orphann Court, to be held for said county at the court house in the town of Florence, on the fourth Monday in January next, and show cause, [if] any they can, why said negro ESTHER should not be sold to satisfy the debts as aforesaid. A copy---test. 
W. W. GARRARD, Clk. 
Dec. 21, 47.

From the Florence Gazette, Thursday, February 22, 1827, p. 4:

Executor's Sale. 
     THE subscribers, Executors of Dr. John S. Young, deceased, will sell at public Auction, in the town of Florence, on the 3 [M]onday in February, one Lot of Ground o[f] the ? & More, containing 22 feet in front, running back feet. Also, a Negro man aged about 45 years, named SANDFORD, on a credit of 12 months, receiving bond and approved security. 


From the Florence Enquirer, Saturday, September 9, 1842, p. 3:

Sheriff Sale. 
     By virtue of sundry fi fas to me directed from the Hon. Circuit and County Courts of Lauderdale county, and the Circuit Court of Madison county, Ala., I will proceed to sell for cash at the door of the Court-house, in Florence, on Monday the 3rd October next, the following Negro Slaves of different description, viz: REDICK, EDY, SYNTHA, JIM, SARY ANN [sic], WINNEY, DICK, MARY, HENRY, SAM, ANJALINE[sic], JOHN, POPE, JOHN, JOURNEY, VINA, LEE, LOUCINDA [sic], TIGUE, DILSA, PEGGY, MOSES, POLLARD, ISAAC, JOHN, KITT, SUSAN, MANDA, LOUISA, CHARLOTTE, FRANK,JANE, JINNEY [SIC], ALFRED, AND GREENE. 
     ALSO, 19 head of Horses and Mules of different sorts; 25 head of Cattle, one Cotton Gin, one Yoke of Oxen, one Wagon, one Carriage, one Clock, one Secretary, 2 Bedsteads, Beds and Furniture, one Bureau, one Sideboard, and one Wardbrobe. 
     ALSO, the following Real Estate, viz: The West half of Section number 11, Township 3, Range 13 West: the whole of Section number 14, Township 3, Range 13 West. Also, the South-East quarter of Section number 15, Township 2, Range 11 West; all levied on as the property of Hervey Dillahunty, to satisfy said fi fas in favor of the Planters' Bank of Tennessee; the Branch Bank at Huntsville; Geo. M. Savage and others.
Sale in lawful hours. 
V. M. BENHAM, Sh'ff. 
Sept. 10, 1842. 26-tds.

From the Florence Enquirer, Saturday, December 9, 1842, p. 3:

Trustee's Sale of Negroes. 
     BY VIRTUE of a deed of trust executed to me by Thomas U. Lassiter, on the 18th day of December, 1841, and duly recorded in Deed Book A, No. 10, page 314, in the office of the Clerk of the County Court of Lauderdale county, Alabama, to secure Mr, James Noel, I sall, on Saturday the 17th of September next, before the door of the court-house in Florence, expose to sale, at public auction, to the highest bidder for cash, the following negroes, to-wit-LEVI, DANIEL, ROBIN, and MAC, property conveyed in said deed for the purposes therein set forth. Such title only as is vested i[n] me by virtue of said trust deed, will I convey to [the?] purchaser. It is, however, believed to be good and indisputable. 
Aug. 20-21-nt.

From the Florence Gazette, Saturday, December 15, 1849, p. 2.

For Sale.
          ONE likely NEGRO GIRL, 15 years old, for sale by C. GOOKIN.
December 15, 1849.

From the Florence Gazette, Saturday, December 15, 1849, p. 3.

          THE Subscriber will sell on reasonable terms the above well known establishment, together with all the stock of HIDES & LEATHER in Tan. Also, TWO NEGRO MEN, both experienced Tanners, one a first rate CURRIER and FINISHER.
          The YARD contains Thirty-six VATS, in full operation. A comfortable DWELLING HOUSE. and all other necessary buildings in complete repair-there are EIGHTY-FIVE Acres of WOOD LAND attached to it. The situation has always been considered remarkably healthy-there are several Springs of PURE SPRING and MINERAL waters on it, and every other convenience for a comfortable residence-and is the best site for the Tanning business in North Alabama.
          For terms, which will be accomadating, apply to HUGH SIMPSON.
Possession given at any time.
Florence. Nov. 3, 1849.

From the Florence Gazette, Saturday, December 15, 1849, p. 2:

          I WILL hire to highest bidder, in the town of Florence for the year 1850, the NEGROES belonging to Mary A. Moffet, (say twenty)[.] Said hiring to take place at the Court House on Tuesday the 25th December, instant. Terms as usual.
December 15, 1849,.   34-2w.

From the Florence Gazette, Saturday, December 29, 1849, p. 3:

          AN excellent House Servant and Seamstress, twenty-seven years old--and a young Woman with four children, all Boys. Apply to JAS. B. GRAY
Florence, December 6, 1849, 30-1f.


From "New Advertisements," the Florence Gazette, Saturday, March 23, 1850, p. 3:
          I WILL sell on Thursday, 4th day of April next, at the Court House, in the town of Florence, at public Auction, upon a credit of six months, a negro girl named HANNAH, now in the possession of John M. C. Hooks. Said girl is likely, a good house servant and about 17 years old.
Administrator of C. Hooks.

From the Florence Gazette, Saturday, April 27, 1850, p. 3:

Negro for Sale.
     If not previously disposed of at private sale, I will offer for sale at public auction in Florence, on Monday, the 6th day of May next---a negro man about 23 years of age, a first rate waggoner, and a good field hand.
Florence, April 27, 1850. c. w.

From the Florence Gazette, Saturday, April 19, 1851, p. 3.

          A LIKELY NEGRO WOMAN, good Cook, Washer and Ironer, for sale low for Cash. Apply to   B. B. BARKER
April 12, 1851.

From the Florence Gazette, Saturday, October 6, 1855, p. 3:

The State of Alabama; 
Lauderdale, County. Probate Court of said county 
SEPTEMBER 17th, 1855.
     RICHARD A. BAILY, administrator of the estate of Henry S. Harrison, deceased, filed in said court his petition, setting forth that the said Henry S. Harrison, was the owner at the time of his death, of the following slaves viz, THOMAS, ALLEN, DOLLY, NANCY, MOSES, RANDAL, MATILDA, ADELINE, ALEXANDER; CHARLES, ANTHONY; MARY; HARRIET, DANIEL; VINA; ENOCH, andMARINDA, that the said Henry S. Harrison was indebted to sundry persons at the time of his death, and although a sale of his other personal property and his real estate will likely pay all his debts, yet a sale of the negroes belonging to said estate, is necessary in order to a more equitable division of the same among the heirs at law of said estate.
     It is therefore ordered that publication be made in the Florence Gazette for three consecutive weeks, notifying all persons interested in said estate of the filing of said petition; and that the same will be heard; and order of sale gr[a]nted at a court to be held for said county at the court house in Florence on the first Monday in November next, unless sufficient reason to the contrary be shown on that day. 
Test: W. T. HAWKINS, P. Judge. 
Sept. 22, 1855.-3t.

From the Florence Gazette, Saturday, October 6, 1855, p. 3:

State of Alabama, Lauderdale County, Spring Term, 1855.
vs. Attachment. 
     James B. Harris. THE DEFENDENT BEING A non-resident of this State, he is hereby notified that the plaintiff send [sic] out an attachment against him for the sum of Four hundred dollars, which was levied on the estate and interest of James B. Harris on the following Negro slaves to wit:
     GRACE, about 45 years old, of dark complexion; BECKEY about 21 years old, of dark complexion; JULIA, about 17 years old, of dark complexion, and her child, LAURA, an infant about six months old, andJAKE about 15 years of age, of dark complexion, Also a part of Lot numbered , on which is a brick house, in which Mrs. Ann Leftwich now resides, situated in the town of Florence, in this county. Mrs. AnnLeftwich has a life estate in the above property.
     It was ordered by the court that a notice of this attachment and levy be published in the Florence Gazette, a newspaper published in the town of Florence, for four successive weeks, and that a copy be sent by mail to the defendant.
Test: R. B. BAUGH, Clerk. 
Sept. 1, '55. 8-4w.

From the Florence Gazette, Friday, Oct. 29, 1858, p. 3.

     ON the 22nd of November next, I will offer for sale, on a credit of Twelve Months, at the late residence of Geo. Roach, dec'd., the following property, viz: ELEVEN NEGROES, consisting of men, women and children, two fine Jacks; two Jennets and colts; three fine Brood Mares; work mules and mule colts; Hogs and Sheep; Corn, Fodder, Wheat, and Cotton, and various other articles too tedious to mention. 
     WM. R. KOONCE, Executor of the Estate of Geo. Roach, deceased. 
Oct. 18, 1858 36-4t. [5]

From the Florence Gazette, Friday, November 12 , 1858, p. 3: 

Guardian's Sale of Slaves! 
     PURSUANT to an order of the Hon. Probate Court for the County of Lauderdale, and State of Alabama, I will proceed to sell, to the highest bidder, at public outcry, on the 4th day of December next, at INGRAM'S CROSS ROADS, 18 miles east of the town of Florence, the following
consisting of two women, viz:- JUNE, 45 and EMELINE 20 years of age: and three boys, to-wit: JOSEPH, 16, JAMES, 14, and CHRISTOPHER, 9 years of age. All of said slaves are sound and likely, Terms-12 months credit, with bond and approved security.
     JNO. S. TATE, Guardian for the heirs of W. G. Burton, dec'd. 
November 5, 1858. 16-4t.

From the Florence Gazette, Friday, October 1, 1858, p. 2:

     A FIRST RATE likely NEGRO BOY about fourteen years of age and very well grown--perfectly healthy, good qualities every way, raised in this county by John Ducket Esq. My object is to get money.
September 3, --58 4t

From the Florence Gazette, Friday, October 15, 1858, p. 2.

For Sale.
A FIRST RATE likely NEGRO BOY about fourteen years of age and very well grown--perfectly healthy, good qualities every way[,] raised in this county by John Ducket,  Esq. My object is to get money.
September 3, -58 4t

From the Florence Gazette, Friday, November 19, 1858, p. 2.

The State of Alabama--Lauderdale County.
Probate Court, November 3rd, 1858.
ELLEN M. Weakley, James J. and James H. Donegan, Executrix and Executors of Ja's H. Weakley, have this day filed in said Court, their petition, representing that the said James H. Weakley departed this life leaving his last will and testament, [t]hat the said James H. Weakley left a large personal and real estate; his personal property consisting principally of SLAVES: That it is necessary to resort to a sale of said personal or real estate, and believing that a sale of a portion of said SLAVES, would be less injurious to said estate than a sale of the real property, and having no power by the will of their testater [sic] to sell said SLAVES, they therefore file this petition praying an order of the Court, authorizing said sale for the purpose of paying debts.
     It is therefore ordered that said petition be set for hearing at a term of said Court to be held for said County, at the Court House in the town of Florence, on the 22d day of November, instant: that publication be made in the Florence Gazette, for three consecutive weeks, notifying all persons interested in said Estate, that they may attend on said day and contest said application if they see proper. Attest,      
Probate  Judge
Nov. 5, 1858, - 3t.

From the Florence Gazette, Friday, November 19, 1858, p. 2:

BY Virtue of Sundry Fifas  to me directed from the Hon. Circuit Court for Lauderdale County, State of Alabama, I will offer for sale, to the highest bidder, for cash, on the first Monday, 6th day of December, 1858, in front of the Court House door in the town of Florence, the following described Real Estate, to-wit: Monroe Peeden's interest in the Northwest quarter of Section No. 26 and fractional section No. 36, all in Township No. 2, Range No. 10 West, it being a 3rd interest in all above described land, except 80 acres in the Northwest part of Northwest quarter of Section 26, which said Monroe Peeden owns one quarter remaining interest, Mary Forsythe having a life interest in the same; and James A. Letsinger's interest in said lands, it being a two-[t]hird interest[,] dower excepted; and said Mary Forsythe's life Estate in 30 acres off of the West part of the Southwest quarter; and 10 acres off of the West part of Northeast quarter of the said N. W. quarter of said Section 26. Also, a man s[l]ave named EPHRAIM, about 27 or 28 years old, and one yoke of Oxen. all levied on as the property of the above named defendants, to satisfy said fifas in favor of Richard A. Bailey, Administrator of Calvin Peeden, decd., and others.
W. F. KARSNER, Sheriff.
November 5, 1858.
16 4t--pr's fee $7.50


From the Florence Gazette, Friday, November 26, 1858, p. 2:

Executor's Sale of Negroes.

BY virtue of an order of the Probate Court of Lauderdale County, Alabama, we will offer for sale to the highest bidder, at the Court House in Florence, on Saturday, the first day of January, 1859, NINETEENLIKELY NEGROES. Terms made known on day of sale.
Executrix and Executor of James S. Sloss.
November 1[8]58, 6I-  tds

From "New Advertisements," Florence Gazette, Friday, November 26, 1858, p. 3:

Executors' Sale of Land and Negroes.
THE undersigned, Administrators of the estate of James Whitehead, deceased, will sell, at the late r[e]sidence of said decedent, on the 4th day of January, 1859, twenty-one miles east of Florence, in Lauderdale County, Ala., the following Real and Personal Property, to-wit:
     Nine Hundred and Eighty-Five Acres of Land, all in sections Twenty-two, three, and four, Township Two, Range Eight. Said land is well improved, and will be sold subject to the Widow's Dower. Also,
     FOURTEEN LIKELY NEGROES, consisting of Men, Women and children. Also,
Mules, Horses, Farming Utensils, and other articles too tedious to mention.
All of which will be sold on a credit of Twelve Months. Purchasers will be required to give notes, with two good securities.
Administrators of James Whitehead, dec'd.
November 26, 1858.     6t

From the Florence Gazette, Friday, November 26, 1858, p. 3:

Executors' Sale of Negroes.
          BY virtue of an order of the Probate Court for the County of Lauderdale and State of Alabama, we will proceed to sell, at public auction, to the highest bidder, at the Court House door, in the town of Florence, on Monday, the 3d day [of] January, 1859, The following Valuable Slaves:

HARVEY, 32 years old; RACHEL, 38 years; ALECK, 25; MARY, 3; SANDY, 36; RICHARD, 2; MARTHA, 19; SUSAN, 22; JIM, 19; WALKER, 2; PARALEE, 16; CHANEY ANN, 18; NARCISSA, 13; CHARLOTTE, 3; LOTTY, 52; ANNE, 3; ROBERT, 16; ALECK 4 months; BILL, 21; MARTHA, 36 years; ISAAC, 14; FANNY, 14; CHARLES, 34; RACHEL, 11; MARGARET, 23; KESIA, 9 months;

SALLIE, 3; JOHNNY, 9 years; and BECKY, 7 months; CLARA, 6 years.

TERMS--14 months credit, with approved security. 
ELLEN M. WEAKLEY. Executrix,
Executors of James H. Weakley.
Nov. 26, [1]858.   tds. 

From the Florence Gazette, Wednesday, December 10, 1858, p. 3:

     BY Virtue of an order of sale to me directed from the Hon. Circuit Court for Lauderdale County, Alabama, I will offer for sale, to the highest bidder, for cash, at the Court House door in the town of Florence, on the first Monday in January next, the following property, to-wit: John Staples and Larena E. Staples' interest in a Boy named Liberty, about 24 years of age; said interest said to be be one-seventh of said Slave. Sold as the property of said John & L. E. Staples, to satisfy said order of sale in favor of Henry I. Sherrod.
W. F. KARSNER, Sheriff.
December 10, 1858. 4t-pr's fee $5

From "New Advertisements," the Florence Gazette, Friday, December 31, 1858, p. 3:

FIVE LIKELY Negroes For Sale.
     PURSUANT to an order of the Hon. Probate Court, for the county of Lauderdale, and State of Alabama. We will sell, to the highest bidder, at Public Auction, on the FIFTH DAY OF JANUARY, 1858, at Centre Star, 14 miles east of Florence, FIVE VALUABLE SLAVES
consisting of 2 Men: 2 Women, and 1 Boy; belonging to the heirs of Geo. J. COX, deceased; to-wit:-- 
REUBEN, a very good Blacksmith, aged 28 years; 
WASH, aged 17 years;
MAT. , aged 10 years, and well grown to his age; 
PALER ?, aged 26 years, and 
MANDY, aged 25 years. Both these women are tolerably good cooks.
     These Negroes will be sold on a credit of 12 MONTHS, the purchaser giving Bond and approved security.
Wm. J. TAPP;
December 3, 1858, tds.

From the Florence Gazette, Wednesday, January 19, 1859, p. 3:

of Land, Negroes, and
     BY VIRTUE of the WILL, I will sell, on the Fourteenth and Fifteenth days of February next on the premises at the late residence of William G. Fuqua, deceased, Two and a half miles South East of Rodgersville, ON TIME, 480 ACRES OF LAND, Improved and in a high state of cultivation; also Ten LIKELY NEGROES, consisting of Men, Women, Boys and Girls. Also, a quantity of Corn, Fodder, and Oats: Farming Utensils; Stock Cattle, Hogs, Mules and Horses--among which are some fine Brood Mares: and a great many other things, say Buggy and Harness, Wagon, Oxen, some Pork and Bacon; a set of Black Smith Tools. &c.
Terms made known on day of Sale.
JOHN C. Fuqua.
Executor of Wm. G. Fuqua, deceased.
January 19, 1859.   dw  


From the Florence Gazette, Wednesday, October 17, 1860, p. 3:

Negroes for Sale
     I will sell, to the highest bidder at the Court House door in Florence, on Monday 31st December next [two] likely* No. 1 Negroes, one a good Carpenter, the other a good Cook and house Servant; On credit of twelve months.
(Refer to E. Brown; or Rob. Campbell, Sept. 26, 1860. qb, tds.)










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