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Will of Winnifred D. "Winny" Curtis McDonald Trousdale

Transcribed and Submitted by Charlotte Killen Borden, Mar. 2002


Lauderdale Co. AL 
Inventory Book K 
Page 75 and 76 

Petition for letter of Administration 

Estate of Winnie Trousdale Decd. 
The State of Alabama 
Lauderdale County 
To the Hon W B McClure Judge of the Probate Court for Lauderdale County, 

Your petitioner James A Hill an inhabitant of the State, over Twenty one years of age respectfully represents that Mrs. Winnie Trousdale departed this life intestate on or about the 23 day of April 1894 leaving property  in this state to the best of Petitioner knowledge information and belief of about the value of $500 dollars and not probably more that the said Mrs. Winnie Trousdale was an inhabitant of this county at the time of her death.  That your petitioner is not entitled under the law to preference in the administration of said estate but that he has been chosen by most of the heirs thereof who reside in this state and no objection has been made by any of them, That the heirs and distributees of the estate of said decedent as your petitioner is advised and believes are as follows: 
W T Clemmons, Sallie A McLaughlin, wife of Harry McLaughlin, Martha J Watkins, wife of Thomas Watkins, Joseph A Clemmons, B F Clemmons, Adaline Curtis wife of  (Blank) Curtis, Winnie English wife of John English , S P Clemmons , Rhoda Cockeran wife of James Cockeran, Robert Clemmons, John Clemmons, Nancy Hines wife of J M Hines, Mary Myrick, wife of L C Myrick, A D Clemmons, Polk Clemmons, T C Clemmons, Jennie Thigpen wife of Albert Thigpen, H Clemmons, Sarah A Blassingame, W H Clemmons.... All of whom are over the age of Twenty One years and residents of the state of Alabama and Curtis A Clemmons age 19 years, Rebecca J Clemmons 18, Minnie R Clemmons age 16, Charles A Clemmons age 14, Edery R Clemmons age 12, Ada Clemmons age 17, All residence of the State of Alabama and B T Clemmons, M A Garret wife of J W Garrett all of whom are over Twenty one years and residents of the State of Texas and Alvie Brodie age 16 years, Omis Brodie age 14 years, and Ada Brodie age 12 years residents of Bowie Texas and George Williams resident of the state of Tennessee and M E Short wife of (Blank) Short resident of the state of Missouri.  That more that Sixty days have elapsed since the death of said decedent and that no other persons entitled to the administration thereof has applied for Letter of Administration, wherefore the previous considered your petitioner prays that letter of Administration upon the estate be granted him according to law upon his giving the requisite bond and security. 
Sworn to and subscribed before me this 31 day of July 1894 
J A Hills L.S. 
WBM McClure Judge of Probate 

Transcribed by Charlotte Killen Borden 

A T Clemmons--(Aaron Thomas) --- son of Henry and Rebecca Curtis Clemmons 

Sallie A McLaughlin, wife of Harry McLaughlin, --- daughter of Henry and Rebecca Curtis Clemmons 

Martha J Watkins, wife of Thomas Watkins, ---- daughter of Henry and Rebecca Curtis Clemmons 

Joseph A Clemmons, ---son of Aaron and Priscilla Curtis Clemmons 

B F Clemmons, (Benjamin Franklin) --- son of Aaron and Priscilla Curtis Clemmons 

Adaline Curtis wife of  (Blank) Curtis, ---(should read Jesse Curtis) daughter of of Aaron and Priscilla Curtis Clemmons 

Winnie English wife of John English , --- daughter of Aaron and Priscilla Curtis Clemmons 

S P Clemmons , (Silas Pinky) --son of James Newton Clemmons --- grandson of Henry and Rebecca Curtis Clemmons 

Rhoda Cockeran wife of James Cockeran, --- daughter of James Newton Clemmons --- granddaughter of Henry and Rebecca Curtis Clemmons 

Robert Clemmons, --- son of James Newton Clemmons --- grandson of Henry and Rebecca Curtis Clemmons 

John Clemmons, ---- (John T) son of Thomas W Clemmons ---- grandson of Aaron and Priscilla Curtis Clemmons 

Nancy Hines wife of J M Hines, ---daughter of Thomas W Clemmons ---- granddaughter of Aaron and Priscilla Curtis Clemmons 

Mary Myrick, wife of L C Myrick, ---daughter of Thomas W Clemmons ---- granddaughter of Aaron and Priscilla Curtis Clemmons 

A D Clemmons, ---(Aaron Duncan) son of Thomas W Clemmons ---- grandson of Aaron and Priscilla Curtis Clemmons 

Polk Clemmons, -- son of Thomas W Clemmons ---- grandson of Aaron and Priscilla Curtis Clemmons 

T C Clemmons, (Thomas Curtis) son of John W. Clemmons -- grandson of Aaron and Priscilla Curtis Clemmons 

Jennie Thigpen wife of Albert Thigpen, daughter of John W. Clemmons -- granddaughter of Aaron and Priscilla Curtis Clemmons 

H Clemmons, ---- James Henry Clemons son of James Curtis Clemmons -- son of Aaron and Priscilla Curtis Clemmons 

Sarah A Blassingame, ---- daughter of Hester Kitty Curtis Blassingame 

W H Clemmons  ---- (William Henry) son of Henry and Rebecca Curtis Clemmons 

All of whom are over the age of Twenty One years In Alabama 

Curtis A Clemmons age 19 years --- son of John W. Clemmons -- grandson of Aaron and Priscilla Curtis Clemmons 

Rebecca J Clemmons 18, --- daughter of James Newton Clemmons ---- granddaughter of Henry and Rebecca Curtis Clemmons 

Winnie R Clemmons age 16, --- daughter of James Newton Clemmons ---- granddaughter of Henry and Rebecca Curtis Clemmons 

Charles A Clemmons age 14, ---- daughter of James Newton Clemmons ---- grandson of Henry and Rebecca Curtis Clemmons 

Edery R Clemmons age 12, ---- daughter of James Newton Clemmons ---- granddaughter of Henry and Rebecca Curtis Clemmons 

Ada Clemmons age 17, ---daughter of John W. Clemmons -- granddaughter of Aaron and Priscilla Curtis Clemmons 

All residence of the State of Alabama 
B T Clemmons, (Benjamin) --- son of Henry and Rebecca Curtis Clemmons 

M A Garret wife of J W Garrett -- (Mary Ann)  daughter of Aaron and Priscilla Curtis Clemmons 

all of whom are over Twenty one years 
and residents of the State of Texas 
Alvie Brodie age 16 b 1878 --- child of Nimrod Porter Brodie and Rosa Josephine Clemmons ----- daughter of James Newton Clemmons --- grandchild of Henry and Rebecca Curtis Clemmons 
Omis Brodie age 14 years, b 1880 --- child of Nimrod Porter Brodie and Rosa Josephine Clemmons ----- daughter of James Newton Clemmons --- grandchild of Henry and Rebecca Curtis Clemmons 

Ada Brodie age 12 years 
All residents of Bowie Texas b 1882 --- child of Nimrod Porter Brodie and Rosa Josephine Clemmons ----- daughter of James Newton Clemmons --- grandchild of Henry and Rebecca Curtis Clemmons 
George Williams resident of the state of Tennessee ----- UNKNOWN AT THIS TIME HOW HE IS RELATED 
M E Short wife of (Blank) Short resident of the state of Missouri. ----- UNKNOWN AT THIS TIME HOW SHE IS RELATED 

2024 by County Coordinator Patricia Bryant Hartley.

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