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William Henry Slaton's Estate 

Contributed by Troy McCarley on 15 Mar 1999

Jesse M. Slaton's Petition for Letters of Administration of the Estate of William Henry Slaton


To the Hon. W.E. Haraway,
Judge of Propate for this County of Lauderdale:
The petition of Jesse M. Slaton, an inhabitant of this State, over twenty one years of age, respectfully represents
to your Honor, that Wm. H. Slaton departed this life intestate on the 25 day of August, 1884, more than fifteen days since, leaving property in this State to the best of petitioner’s knowledge, information and belief, of the value of about Two Thousand dollars, and not probably more; that the said Wm. H. Slaton was an inhabitant of this County at the time of his death. That your petitioner is the son of the said Wm. H. Slaton. That the names, residents and ages of the heirs and distributers of the estate of the said decedent, as your petitioner is advised and believes, are as follows: Alley Slaton, widow of decedent; Jesse M. Slaton, son of decedent; M.J. Slaton, son of decedent; D. W. Slaton, son of decedent, all over twenty one years of age; and B. F. Slaton, son of decedent, a minor over fourteen years of age; all of whom are of sound, mind, and reside in the County of Lauderdale and the State of Alabama, and their Post Office is Rogersville of said State and County. That Alley Slaton declined to administer upon and said estate, as will appear by the accompanying certificate and has requested that your petition by appointed to that trust. Wherefore your petitioner being son of the said decedent, respectfully suggests that he is by law entitled to administer said estate, and prays your Honor that letters of administration thereon by granted this according to law, upon his giving the requisite bond and security. And as in duty bounds, S.C. J.M. Slaton 


Sworn to and subscribed before me, this the
23rd day of September, A.D. 1884.
M. J. T. Stapler, J. P.

September 23rd, 1884
Dear Sir:
This is to certify that I, the wife or widow of Wm. H. Slaton, deceased, hereby waive or relinguish my right under that law to administer upon said Mw. H. Slaton’s estate, and ask your Honor to appoint my son Jesse M. Slaton to said trust according to the requirements of the law in such cases made and provided.

Yours Very Respectfully
Alley X Slaton
her mark
J.M. Slaton

William Henry Slaton

Inventory & Appraisal of Estate

The State of Alabama
Lauderdale County
Inventory and appraisement of the Estate of Wm. H. Slaton, deceased.

No. Names of Articles $ cts.
1 Sorrel Mule $150.00, 1 Black mule $150.00 300. 00
1 Stallion $250.00, 1 Yellow mare $50.00 300.00
3 Cows & calves $45.00, 35 Head hog $ 71.00 116. 00
18 Head sheep $18.00, Blacksmith tools $15.00 35. 00
1 Lot farm tools $25.00, 1 Thesher $75.00 100. 00
1 Lot plow gear $6.00, 1 Lot harness $5.00 11. 00
2 Wagons $65.00, 1 Buggy & harness $25.00 90.00
2 Scythes $2.00, 1 Large bell $6.00, grind slow .50 8. 50
20 Bbls. Corn $50.00, 7 bags rye $5.25 55. 25
15 bags wheat $11.50, The present years crop $570.00 581.00
1 Side board $8.00, 1 clock $5.00, 1 brinder $5.00 18.00
4 Roads, steads, & furniture $51.00, 51.00
1 Note on A.W. Whitehead $ 8.00 & Valued at 00.00
1 “ “ C. & L. Rice (Bad) $7.50 “ “ 00.00
1 “ “ W.R. & R.A. Sutton $25.50 “ “ 00.00
1 “ “ P. C. Rice $36.50 “ “ 00.00
1 “ “ Irvin Rice $20.50 “ “ 00.00
! “ “ B. B. Whitehead $90.00 “ “ 90.00
1 “ “ Wm. Covington Sr. $36.00 “ “ 36.00
1 “ “ B. B. & B. Whitehead $50.00 “ “ 50.00
1 “ “ W.E. & M. E. Covington $175.50 “ “ 00.00
1 “ “ J. W. Herston $12.90 “ “ 12.90
Amt. Carried over $1853.60
Amt. Brought over
1 note for J. E. Beckshaw $ 25. 00 valued at 25.00
1 “ “ P. D. White $13.00 “ “ 13.03
1 “ “ J. M. Couch & L. Mathews $67.20 ‘ ‘ 33.60
1 “ “ B.B., & J.B. E. Whitehead $60.00 “ “ 60.00
1 “ “ W. A. Harvey $35.65 “ “ 17.82
1 “ “ Wm. C. Harris $125.00 “ “ 62.50
Amt. Of persons property $2065.55

The State of Alabama,
Lauderdale County.
Before me, M.J.S. Stapler, a Justice of the Peace for said County, personally approved Sherwood White, W. B. White, and
Alexander Brown, Appraisers of the estate of W.H. Slaton, dec., who being duly sworn, depose and say, that the foregoing is a correct list of the appraisment of the personnel property of said estate as made by
us-as shown to us by the administrator. A,M, Brown
Wm. B. White
October 9th 1884 S. White
W.J.T. Stapler, J.P.

The State of Alabama,
Lauderdale County
Before me, W.J.T. Stapler, a Justice of the Power for said County, personally appeared J.M. Slaton administrator of Wm. H. Slaton, decd., who being duly sworn, deposes and says, that the foregoing is a full and complete inventory of all the persound property of said estate, which has come to his knowledge to & subscribed the 9th. Day of October, 1884
W.J.T. Stapler, J.P.

2024 by County Coordinator Patricia Bryant Hartley.

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